Anonymous Quotes

Anonymous Quotes. Below is a collection of famous Anonymous quotes. Here you can find the most popular and greatest quotes by Anonymous. Share these quotations with your friends and family.

It took something as powerful as Satan to tempt Eve, but it took something a simple as Eve to tempt Adam.

By Anonymous
It's important to remember that Jesus loves you. Because everyone else thinks your an arsehole.

By Anonymous
Let Jesus be your anchor! So when Satan rocks your boat, throw Jesus overboard!

By Anonymous
Look at the beauty around you, the complexness of all nature. I find it more difficult to believe that life came about by chance rather than being created by God.

By Anonymous
Religion is a way of separating morals from logic. We just have to decide which to use and when.

By Anonymous
Religion is for people who are afraid to go to hell. Spirituality is for those who have already been there.

By Anonymous
Once there was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time is called the Dark Ages.

By Anonymous
Our great-grandfathers called it the Holy Sabbath. Our grandfathers called it the Sabbath. Our fathers called it Sunday. And now, we just call it the weekend.

By Anonymous
Perhaps most people say there is no God simply because they would then have to stop and think that what they are doing may be wrong.

By Anonymous
Personally, I believe that God created humanity for the same reason humanity created the sitcom: everyone gets bored.

By Anonymous
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.

By Anonymous
And Jesus said unto them, 'And whom do you say that I am?' They replied, 'You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the ontological foundation of the context of our very selfhood revealed.' And Jesus replied, 'What?'

By Anonymous
As a child, my classmates often told me that since I do not believe in God I was going to go to Hell. Little did they know - I do not believe in Hell either!

By Anonymous
As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.

By Anonymous
B-Basic I-Instructions B-Before L-Leaving E-Earth

By Anonymous
Big Bang Theory: God said it, and bang it happened.

By Anonymous
Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence.

By Anonymous
Every man has the right to go to hell by a means of his own choosing.

By Anonymous
Far too many people believe in religion; only a handful believe in God.

By Anonymous
For believers no explanation is needed, for unbelievers no explanation can be given.

By Anonymous
From deep within our secret souls, do demons lie and take their toll.

By Anonymous
God asked Adam: 'What's wrong?' and Adam replied, 'I'm lonely.' So God said: 'Adam, I will make you a partner. She will wash and cook and clean for you, she will listen to what you have to say and never interrupt you. Whe won't nag you about your actions and she will even bear your children. She will stay loyal to you and never be influenced by other men.' So Adam asked, 'Well, what's his gonna cost me?'. 'An arm and a leg.' And Adam asked: 'Well what can I get for an rib?'. And the rest is history.

By Anonymous
God hasn't promised us a quiet journey, only a safe arrival.

By Anonymous
God is alive -- he just doesn't want to get involved.

By Anonymous
God is dead. --Nietzsche Nietzsche is dead. --God

By Anonymous
God is just an excuse for the unkown.

By Anonymous
God must grow weary of being called to on both sides of a war.

By Anonymous
Humanity's first sin was faith; the first virtue was doubt.

By Anonymous
I absolutely believe in God... and I absolutely hate the fucker.

By Anonymous
I do not pray that the devil will overlook me and attack someone else. I pray that he loses sleep at night, pacing around his firery living room, trying to think of a way extinguish my faith and silence me.

By Anonymous