Anonymous Quotes

Anonymous Quotes. Below is a collection of famous Anonymous quotes. Here you can find the most popular and greatest quotes by Anonymous. Share these quotations with your friends and family.

Today's mighty oak is yesterday's little acorn that held it's ground

By Anonymous
The only time laughter is unwelcome is when cola is likely to come squirting out of your nose.

By Anonymous
Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible

By Anonymous
I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business. - Michael J. Fox

By Anonymous
Within ten years, the Italian Ministry of Health has withdrawn from the market 22,621 drugs because of toxic side-effects.'

By Anonymous
Warning is given not to carry over, without reservation, to man, the conclusions based on animal experiments. In monkeys none of the powerful carcinogens [of man] has been shown to produce cancers.

By Anonymous
When so much mistreatment of animals continues, when the cries of thirsty beasts from our railway cars die out unheard, when so much brutality prevails in our slaughterhouses, when animals meet a painful death in our kitchens, when animals suffer incredibly from merciless men and are turned over to the cruel play of children, WE ALL BEAR THE GUILT FOR IT. We are afraid of shocking people if we let it be noticed how much we are moved by the suffering man brings to animals. We think that others may have become more 'rational' than we, and may accept as customary and as a matter of course the things we have gotten excited about. Once in a while, however, a word suddenly slips out which shows that even they have not yet become reconciled to this suffering. Now they come very close to us though they were formerly strangers. The masks with which we were deceiving each other fall off. Now we learn from each other that no one is able to escape the grip of the cruelty that flourishes ceaselessly around us.'

By Anonymous
The new system which is being employed at the Development Therapeutics Programme in Frederick, Maryland, uses an arsenal of automated devices and computers to test potential cancer-fighting drugs on real human cancer cells grown in laboratories rather than on mice.  This enables scientists to test more than 300 chemicals a week.  Many of these drugs had failed in the past when tested on mice.'

By Anonymous
There's a Jewish Law to prevent 'tsaar ba-alei chaim' (the suffering of living creatures) and to value their lives as intrinsically worthy. Causing suffering to any living creature constitutes a violation of this Law which states: 'It is forbidden, according to the Law of the Holy Torah, to inflict pain upon any living creatures. On the contrary, it is our duty to relieve the pain of any creatures...''

By Anonymous
No more compromises. No more lies. Every six seconds an animal dies!'

By Anonymous
Oriental medicines are big business! But manufacturing them tramples animals, some of which are endangered. For example, tigers, the rhinoceros, pangolin (a protected anteater species) and sea horses all die to make medicines such as Armadillo Counter Poison Pill, Laryngitis Pills or Sea Horse Genital Tonic Pills.'

By Anonymous
Information from one animal species cannot be taken as valid for any other.  It is not a matter of balancing the cruelty of suffering animals against the gain of humanity spared from suffering, because that is not the choice.  Animals die to enable hundreds of new drugs to be marketed annually, but the gain is to industry, not to mankind.'-

By Anonymous
Is the human species a cancer on the planet?' American Anthropology Society's Symposium Organizer, Dr. Warren Hern, physician and epidemiologist, said that aerial and satellite views of urban centers taken over a period of years bore a striking similarity to images of cancerous tissue invading the healthy surrounding tissue. He added that in many parts of the world the increase in human numbers is rapid and uncontrolled, that it invades and destroys habitats, and that by killing off many species it reduces the differentiation of nature.'

By Anonymous
Let's bring MORE & MORE to the attention of the public the truth about the existing link between animal crimes and other contemporary injustices: spousal abuse/child abuse/elderly abuse/ other human abuses.'

By Anonymous
If drugs were tested properly using true scientific methods, the vast majority of them would not be allowed onto the market because their harmfulness and ineffectiveness would be all too apparent. The constant stream of new drugs would slow to a trickle and within a few years most drug companies would go bankrupt.

By Anonymous
If their product is harmless, fine, money rolls in. If it's harmful, no problem, accusations are disposed of on the grounds that it was tested and found to be 'safe' on animals.

By Anonymous
If you don't think animal protection is a battle, consider the weapons we're up against: harpoon; leg-hold trap; cockfighting spur; puntilla (knife used in the slaughter of livestock in certain countries); ferao (used in Brazil to poke out the eyes of cattle before leading them to slaughter); hakapik (used to club baby seals)... among others!'

By Anonymous
In Tamoxifen’s case, a drug first developed as a potential contraceptive languished for many years before its present application was found. Furthermore, its propensity to cause liver tumours in rats, a toxicity problem that thankfully does not carry over into humans, was not detected until after the drug had been on the market for many years. If it had been found in preclinical testing, the drug would almost certainly have been withdrawn from the pipeline.

By Anonymous
In the course of tumour progression, it has been known for many years that mice and men are totally different.

By Anonymous
From a comparison of the results of the present study with those of other studies, one can draw the following conclusions: compounds that cause hepatomas (liver cancers) in mice, may not always be carcinogenic in rats, or if carcinogenic in both species, the compounds may have different primary target sites.  The extrapolation of such results to define any risk to humans remains a troublesome problem.'-

By Anonymous
History has shown that in the long run all dictators fail; and also for the dictatorial empire of the pharmaceutical speculation, built on the sufferings of animals needlessly tortured in the laboratories and on the sufferings of human beings, victims of iatrogenic (medically-induced) diseases, the day of redde rationem (final reckoning) is bound to come.'

By Anonymous
CONCLUSION ON DRUG TESTING The inescapable conclusion is that drug companies choose animal tests over scientific methods because of the utter unreliability of animal tests. Because each animal species is unique in its physiological, biochemical, histological, morphological and other characteristics, and consequently reacts differently to substances, drug companies can produce results favourable to their interests by simply choosing the appropriate species.

By Anonymous
Discovery Channel's 'Justice Files-Serial Killings' documented that murderers share a background of setting fires and cruelty to animals before murdering humans: Ted Bundy committed 50 murders and spent his youth torturing animals. Albert Salvo (The Boston Strangler) murdered 13 women and confessed as a youth he trapped dogs/cats in orange crates and shot arrows into the boxes. Jeffrey Dahmer inflicted unspeakable horrors to animals then went on to murder/mutilate dozens of humans, even cannibalized and committed necrophilia on some of the bodies! MORE? Day before Russell Eugene Weston shot & killed 2 U.S. Capitol officers and wounded a woman, he shot and killed all of his father's 14 cats, and left the remains of his father's 2 favorites ones in a bucket for him to find!!!'

By Anonymous
Dogs have been extensively used in heart research, but their coronary arteries differ from those of humans - they have smaller connections with one another and the left coronary artery dominates, while in humans the right does so.  In addition, the conduction system has a different pattern of blood supply, and consequently, researchers have had difficulty in producing ischemic heart blocks in dogs, which occurs frequently in humans.  The blood coagulation mechanism is unlike ours, therefore using dogs to test prosthetic devices and valves is unreliable.  A dog's reaction to shock is also very different to that of humans.

By Anonymous
A 14-year old Japanese boy confessed to killing a mentally retarded 11-year old in Kobe and dumping the mutilated/severed head in a schoolyard. Police investigated killings of pigeons and other small animals in the area, which led them to the killer boy!'

By Anonymous
Among many other fine qualities in animals, their understanding of compassion even surpasses humans'! They do not want others to suffer. When rhesus monkeys were forced by experimenters at Northwestern University to choose between starving and electrically shocking a helpless companion, they chose to starve!!!'

By Anonymous
Animal research was NOT responsible for the development of coronary bypass surgery.  In 1961 in France, Kunlin first used a portion of a person's own vein to replace obstructed arterial segments.  This gave birth to arterial bypass surgery for different parts of the body, the heart included.  By contrast, Beck of Ohio and Vineburg of Canada took their theories to the animal laboratory in search of surgical answer to the complications of coronary artery disease.  Each devised more than one procedure, envisioning success from their findings in animals.  Not long after, their recommended operations were performed on thousands of human patients.  What were the results?  To say the least, unworthy.  To put it bluntly; a fiasco, a total failure.  I am witness to this event and the least I can do is speak out.  Animal experimentation inevitably leads to human experimentation.  That is the final verdict, sad as it is.  And the toll mounts on both sides.'

By Anonymous
Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment!'

By Anonymous
Animals live by ethics! (1) A flock of wild geese had settled to rest on a pond. One of the flock is captured by a gardener who had clipped its wings. When the geese started to resume their flight, this one tried frantically, but vainly, to lift itself into the air. The others, observing its struggles, flew about in obvious efforts to encourage it, but no use. The entire flock then settled back on the pond and waited, even though the urge to go on was strong, for several days, until the damaged feathers grew sufficiently to permit the goose to fly. (2) A friend who owned a small cafe and used to throw crumbs for the sparrows, noticed that one was injured and had difficulty getting about. But he was interested to discover that the other sparrows would leave the crumbs which lay nearest their crippled comrade so that he could get his share, undisturbed.'

By Anonymous
'I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.'

By Anonymous