Anthony Robbins Quotes
Anthony Robbins Quotes. Below is a collection of famous Anthony Robbins quotes. Here you can find the most popular and greatest quotes by Anthony Robbins. Share these quotations with your friends and family.
If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve.
By Anthony Robbins
Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year -- and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!
By Anthony Robbins
The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you.
By Anthony Robbins
To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
By Anthony Robbins
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such amanner that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.
By Anthony Robbins
Nothing has any power over me other than that which I give it through my conscious thoughts.
By Anthony Robbins
Success comes from taking the initiative and following up... persisting... eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life?
By Anthony Robbins
Success is doing what you want to do, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want.
By Anthony Robbins
I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.
By Anthony Robbins
My definition of success is to live your life in a way that causes you to feel a ton of pleasure and very little pain -- and because of your lifestyle, have the people around you feel a lot more pleasure than they do pain.
By Anthony Robbins
The truth of the matter is that there's nothing you can't accomplish if: (1) You clearly decide what it is that you're absolutely committed to achieving, (2) You're willing to take massive action, (3) You notice what's working or not, and (4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way.
By Anthony Robbins
Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment.
By Anthony Robbins
Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.
By Anthony Robbins
Create a vision and never let the environment, other people's beliefs, or the limits of what has been done in the past shape your decisions. Ignore conventional wisdom.
By Anthony Robbins
Many people make the mistake of thinking that all the challenges in their lives would dissipate if they just had enough money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Earning more money, in and of itself, rarely frees people. It's equally ridiculous to tell yourself that greater financial freedom and mastery of your finances would not offer your greater opportunities to expand, share, and create value for yourself and others.
By Anthony Robbins
The quality of your life is dependent upon the quality of the life of your cells. If the bloodstream is filled with waste products, the resulting environment does not promote a strong, vibrant, healthy cell life-nor a biochemistry capable of creating a balanced emotional life for an individual.
By Anthony Robbins
Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.
By Anthony Robbins
People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals -- that is, goals that do not inspire them.
By Anthony Robbins
The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum. The most important rules that I ever adopted to help me in achieving my goals were those I learned from a very successful man who taught me to first write down the goal, and then to never leave the site of setting a goal without firs taking some form of positive action toward its attainment.
By Anthony Robbins
Want to learn to eat a lot? Here it is: Eat a little. That way, you will be around long enough to eat a lot.
By Anthony Robbins
It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you're going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.
By Anthony Robbins