markpringle Quotes

Personal Quotes by markpringle

Don't mistake kindness for weakness.

By markpringle
Unfortunately, one poor decision or mistake can erase a lifetime of good the minds of many.

By markpringle
Of all of the organized sports I’ve watched throughout my life, Michael Jordan is the best player to play any organized sport…ever!

By markpringle
When Truth comes knocking at your door, don't lie.

By markpringle
She's as pure and clean as the driven snow...if the snow was driven by Charlie Sheen in a coal truck.

By markpringle
I still can’t believe James Brown is dead.

By markpringle
Some of my favorite James Brown hits...if he were Jewish. - Living in the West Bank - It's A Hasidic World - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag of Hebrew National Beef Franks - Make My Frontlet Band Funky - Say It Loud-I'm Jewish And I'm Proud - I Got Ants In My Pants (And I Want To Bar Mitzvah)

By markpringle
Haters want to see everything go wrong with you, because nothing goes right with them.

By markpringle
Misery loves to Hate!

By markpringle
You should want to see others do well, even if your situation is not the best.

By markpringle
People suffer financial ruin, not because of losing a job, but because they didn't PLAN on losing their job.

By markpringle
Don't buy stuff, do stuff.

By markpringle
People could spare themselves many financial problems if only they would follow the basic concept of living within one's means.

By markpringle
Complaints of racism can be real, they can also be a CRUTCH.

By markpringle
Debate intelligently. Sway my thinking with reason. Force me to think in a way I haven't thought before. Make me say...Hmmm, that's a good point. I didn't think about that.

By markpringle

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