A Night at the Opera Quote

Otis B. Driftwood: Let's go in my room and talk the situation over.

Mrs. Claypool: What situation?

Otis B. Driftwood: Well, er... what situations have you got?

Mrs. Claypool: I most certainly will not go to your room.

Otis B. Driftwood: OK, then I'll stay here.

Mrs. Claypool: All right, all right, all right! I'll come, but get out.

Otis B. Driftwood: Shall we say, uh, ten minutes?

Mrs. Claypool: Yes, ten minutes, anything. But go!

Otis B. Driftwood: Because if you're not there in ten minutes, I'll be back here in eleven. With squeaky shoes on!

Movie: A Night at the Opera


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