American Dreams Quotes

Michael Jackson: We're embarking on this tour for many reasons, but mainly because of our mother. Our father, too, for the dream that they had... an American dream... that started a long, long time ago, when our ancestors came here... slaves... oppressed people... beaten down, beaten up... You know, we've come a long, long way from 2300 Jackson Street, when my brothers and I used to long for a color T.V. We weren't beaten down by poverty, and we're not going to be beaten down by fame, either. 'Cause this is what it's all about. This tour is a celebration. It's a victory.

TV Show: American Dreams
Chris Pierce: [to Meg] You should know... that I love you.

TV Show: American Dreams
JJ Pryor: Kennedy says it's time for new dreams, and new frontiers, not just the ones of our fathers.
Jack Pryor: President Kennedy who both went to college...
JJ Pryor: I know!
Jack Pryor: ...and loves football.
JJ Pryor: I know!
Jack Pryor: And you are going to...
JJ Pryor: No I'm not!
Jack Pryor: Will you let me finish a damn sentence? JJ, you have a chance to be something great. A tailback, an astronaut, or whatever the hell, but great! Now I know going to Notre Dame won't guarantee you anything, but it'll give you the best chance anyone could ask for. And I'm not going to stand by and let you piss away that chance. I just won't.
JJ Pryor: Maybe it's not up to you.

TV Show: American Dreams
Suzanne de Passe: How about a giant chocolate candy bar? You can eat it on the plane.
Michael Jackson: No.
Jermaine: Michael! You never turn down candy.
Michael Jackson: Please don't make me go on that plane. I'm scared. I don't want to go on anymore planes ever. Ever!

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: We studied the Battle of Bull Run and the first six weeks of the Civil War. [Meg looks at her] Good lies are all in the details.

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: What? You ain't never seen a bra before? Turn around.

TV Show: American Dreams
Meg: Haven't you ever wanted something so badly it hurt?

TV Show: American Dreams
Michael: [on the phone] Is your friend Meg Pryor there with you? Her mother said that she might be.
Roxanne: [to Meg] He wants you.
Meg: I'm not here.
Roxanne: [back to the phone] She's not here. Can I take a message?
Michael: Yes you can. You can tell Meg that there is no excuse for what she did today. Because for every kid that dances on our show, there are a thousand - no, ten thousand - kids who wish they could.
Roxanne: What did she do?
Michael: What did she do? She walked off the set right in the middle of the show. So you can tell Meg that if she plans on coming back to our show, she better take it a little bit more seriously next time, ok? Even if her best friend didn't get a chance to come back this week.
Roxanne: I'll tell her. And you can count on her to take it very seriously from now on. In fact, I can guarantee that she'll be here next show. Oh, and so will I. Bye, Mike. [hangs up]

TV Show: American Dreams
Meg: Um I have to leave the show.
Michael: What?
Meg: The only reason I'm on American Bandstand is because my best friend Roxanne Bojarski got us on. So I can't be on the show unless she is too. So if you want her to dance the show, that would be really great, but you have to call her and ask her. Or else I can't be on the show. I just can't. [hands Michael phone number and walks off]

TV Show: American Dreams
Will: So anything could happen.
Helen: That's true.
Will: So someday there might be satellites with bombs and lasers?
Helen: There might be. And there might not be. Anything could happen.
Will: I know, that's what's so scary.
Helen: That's what's so exciting. Come here. Come sit with me. Come up here. It's a big adventure. Like the first time you rode the roller coaster at Willow Grove. You were so excited. Remember what it was like when the car was going up? And you kept asking, "What's it gonna feel like when we go down? How fast are we gonna go?" You were so excited. Because you didn't know what was gonna happen. Well, that's what the future's like. Except there are no tracks. That's what makes it an adventure.

TV Show: American Dreams
Jack: You can go. But you take the bus...
Meg: I love the bus!
Jack: And you're home by 10.
Meg: 10?
Jack: Ok, 9: 45.
Meg: 9: 45?
Jack: 9: 30. Wanna try for 9?
Meg: Ok, ok. Thank you dad! I'll be home by 10.
Jack: 9: 30!

TV Show: American Dreams
J.J.: Do you ever feel like the whole world has a plan, except nobody told you?
Meg: Yeah. All the time.

TV Show: American Dreams
Meg: Dad? Um... [starts fake crying]
Jack: Is there something in your eye, Meg?
Meg: No, um...
Jack: Yes you can.

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: [about Jimmy Riley] He doesn't hate you.
Meg: I gave him a black eye!

TV Show: American Dreams
Meg: No, it's not me, because you see, Jimmy and me are...
Patty: Jimmy and I.
Meg: Patty, I'm trying to be nice here!
Patty: [sarcastically] Sorry.

TV Show: American Dreams
Michael: You know what happened to that kid?
Roxanne: What?
Michael: He grew up to be associate producer of the show.
Roxanne: But that's you... oh.
Michael: Except now, that job's already taken. So I better not catch you doing this again.
Roxanne: You won't.
Michael: I won't because...
Roxanne: Because I won't do it again.

TV Show: American Dreams
Meg: What are you doing out here? I thought you had a date with Luke.
Roxanne: Nope, you do. Look, the sooner you admit you like him the easier this gets for all of us. So go on in there! He's closing up!

TV Show: American Dreams
Meg: Patty's, uh, recital piece is really coming along.
Luke: One appearance on Pick a Disc and you're a musical expert?
Meg: Rate a Record. And no, I just know when I like something.
Luke: Hmmm, so you're saying you might appreciate good music too?
Meg: If this is about Bob Dylan-
Luke: Bob Dylan happens to be a genius. But this is about you.
Meg: Me?
Luke: Yeah, you, Betty. And uh, you can bring Veronica too if you like.
Meg: Her name is Roxanne. And bring her where?
Luke: Somewhere we play music, not rate it. [walks away]

TV Show: American Dreams
Luke: You know, this next song is by a guy named Beethoven. And while most people like the melody, I like it because its got a nice beat and heck, I can dance to it. I'd give it an 88.

TV Show: American Dreams
Luke: Just wait till Saturday night. In the church, better acoustics, packed house. That's when you really want to be here.
Meg: How did you learn to play like that? It's so-
Luke: Meg. In case you missed it, that was an invitation. Unless you have plans, then-
Meg: No. No, no plans. I mean, I was gonna take Will to see The Nutty Professor but that was just because I thought I wasn't doing anything. But it was a thought, it wasn't really a plan. So, um, I'll tell Roxanne. We'd love to.
Luke: Meg, do you think Roxanne would mind?
Meg: Mind what?
Luke: Not coming with you.

TV Show: American Dreams
Gus: I told you, this British Music ain't never gonna catch on.

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: I'll just stay here and read the New Testament. I'll work on Matthew, Mark, and John. You can work on...Luke.

TV Show: American Dreams
Patty: Who won best couples?
Luke: What's best couples?
Meg: How did you know about that?
Patty: It was in TeenZine. [to Luke] You can write in and vote for your favorite couples on Bandstand. Who won?
Meg: Um, Jim and Shelley, and David and Kathryn, and me.
Patty: You and Jimmy Riley?
Luke: Who's Jimmy Riley?
Patty: Last year the couples kissed. Are you gonna kiss? You and Jimmy Riley?
Luke: I repeat, who's Jimmy Riley?
Patty: That's Meg's partner on Bandstand. They went on a date once-
Meg: Patty!
Patty: Meg gave him a black eye.
Meg: Who asked you?!
Patty: Actually, Luke did. She didn't mean to hit him. So, are you gonna kiss him?

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: [referring to Meg] She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, except when it comes to Patty. But if you met Patty, you’d understand why.

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: We were just talking about Christmas.
Michael: Yeah. Peace. Warmth. Joy. STANLEY!
Roxanne: Every year my grandmother goes to visit her sister in Harrisburg, and my mom and I, we get to go to a fancy hotel for dinner and then to midnight mass at St. Peter's.
Michael: Aw, that's nice. Hey, Gus! Gus! Did somebody find Stanley without telling me?
Roxanne: Where do you go? To church, I mean.
Michael: I'm Jewish.
Roxanne: I'm sorry.
Michael: Don't be.
Roxanne: No, I mean I'm sorry I asked. About the church.

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: [while Luke and Meg are kissing] Sorry, I know I'm interrupting, but The Ed Sullivan Show starts in three minutes. Priorities.

TV Show: American Dreams
Roxanne: Can I get anything?
Luke: I'll have a soda. [Roxanne walks to kitchen] Oh, and get one for my girlfriend too. [Everyone stares at them]

TV Show: American Dreams
Luke: What did you want me to say?
Meg: When?
Luke: At Bandstand.
Meg: Nothing. Did you even?- nothing.
Luke: All right then. [walks away]
Meg: Wait. [Luke turns around] Why did you kiss me? On Christmas Eve? Did you feel sorry for me? Did you think I looked pretty then, and I haven't looked pretty since? Do you ever think about kissing me again?
Luke: All the time.

TV Show: American Dreams
Dick Clark: And the top 3 songs this week, [Meg and Roxanne mouthing along]All My Loving, She Loves You, and...

TV Show: American Dreams
American Bandstand dancers: [huddled around a TV showing the Beatles] Do you think they have girlfriends?

TV Show: American Dreams