An American in Paris Quotes

Andy McDermott: Great. Come to Paris and check out les drains.

Movie: An American in Paris
Jerry Mulligan: Where is everyone?
Milo Roberts: Here.
Jerry Mulligan: Downstairs?
Milo Roberts: No, here in this room.
Jerry Mulligan: What about that extra girl?
Milo Roberts: That's me.

Movie: An American in Paris
[first lines]
Jerry Mulligan: This is Paris, and I'm an American who lives here. My name is Jerry Mulligan, and I'm an ex G.I. In 1945 when the army told me to find my own job, I stayed on. And I'll tell you why: I'm a painter, and all my life that's all I've ever wanted to do.

Movie: An American in Paris
[last lines]
Lise Bouvier: Jerry, don't let me leave you this way.

Movie: An American in Paris