Assassin's Creed Quote

[first lines] Title Card: For centuries, the order of the Knights Templar have searched for the mythical Apple of Eden. They believe it contains not only the seeds of man's first disobedience, but the key to the free will itself. If they find the relic and decode its secrets, they will have the power to control all freedom of thought. Only the brotherhood called the Assassins stands in their way...
Title Card: Andalucia, Spain, 1492
Hooded Man: [in Latin]The Inquisition has finally delivered Spain to the Templars. Sultan Muhammad and his people still hold out in Granada. But if his son, the prince, is captured, he will surrender the city and the Apple of Eden. Do you, Aguilar de Nerha, swear to honor our order in the fight for freedom? To defend mankind against Templars' tyranny, and preserve free will?
Aguilar: I swear.
Hooded Man: If the Apple falls into their hands, the Templars will destroy everything that stands in their way. Protest, dissent, our right to think for ourselves. Swear to me that you will sacrifice your life, and the lives of everyone here to keep it from them.
Aguilar: Yes, Mentor.
Hooded Man: Our own lives are nothing. The Apple is everything. The spirit of the Eagle will watch over the future. Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember... nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember... everything is permitted.
Hooded Woman: We work in the darkness to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Movie: Assassin's Creed


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