Avengers: Infinity War Quote

Rocket Raccoon: Well, if fate does want you to kill that crap-sack, you're gonna need more than one stupid eyeball. [gives Thor an eyeball]
Thor: What's this?
Rocket Raccoon: What's it look like? Some jerk lost a bet with me in Contraxia.
Thor: They gave you his eye?
Rocket Raccoon: No, he gave me a hundred credits. I snuck into his room later that night and stole his eye.
Thor: Thank you, sweet rabbit. [Thor puts in the eyeball]
Rocket Raccoon: Ooh. I would've washed that. The only way I could sneak that off Contraxia was up my... [beeping noise goes off on the ship]
Rocket Raccoon: Hey, we're here.

Movie: Avengers: Infinity War


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