Battlestar Galactica (2003) Quotes

Roslin: You didn't think you were gonna to take off without me Admiral, did you?
Adama: Never crossed my mind, Madam President.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[The Galactica is about to jump to The Colony]
Adama: Just so there'll be no misunderstandings later... Galactica has seen a lot of history, gone through a lot of battles. This will be her last. She will not fail us if we do not fail her. If we succeed in our mission, Galactica will bring us home. If we don't... it doesn’t matter anyway. Action stations!

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Adama: All ahead, flank speed! In three, two, one... hit it!
[Galactica drives forward and rams the Colony]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Virtual Six: All the pieces are falling into place.
Virtual Baltar: You will hold the future of Cylons and Humans in your hands.
Gaius Baltar & Caprica Six: Who will? [to each other] You see them?

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Cavil has just taken Hera hostage]
Cavil: This thing is the key to my people's survival and I am not leaving without it.
Baltar: Hera is not a thing. She's a child and she holds the key to humanity's survival as well.
Cavil: And how do you know that?
Baltar: I see angels. Angels in this very room. Now I may be mad, but that doesn't mean that I am not right. Because there is another force at work here. There's always has been. It's undeniable. We've all experienced it. Everyone in this room has witnessed events that they can't fathom, let alone explain away by rational means. Puzzles, deciphered in prophecy. Dreams given to a chosen few. Our loved ones dead ... risen. Whether we want to call that God, or Gods, or some sublime inspiration, or a divine force that we can't know or understand, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It's here, it exists, and our two destinies are entwined in its force.
Cavil: If that were true, and that is a big if, how do I know that this force has our best interests in mind? How do you know that God is on your side, Doctor?
Baltar: I don't. God is not on any one's side. God is a force of nature. Beyond good and evil. Good and evil, we created those. Want to break the cycle? Break the cycle of birth, death, re-birth, destruction, escape, death. That's in our hands. In our hands only. Requires a leap of faith. Requires that we live in hope, not fear.
Cavil: If I give you this girl, that means the destruction of my people. How does our extinction fit into this picture that you want to believe in?

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[As Cavil's fellow Cylons are gunned down during the CIC firefight]
Cavil: Frak!
[Cavil sticks his gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[After Galactica jumps away from the doomed Colony]
Saul Tigh: We're mostly here. Engines, life support... There's red lines through her lateral structural members. She's broke her back, she'll never jump again.
Adama: Wherever we are is where we're gonna stay.
Roslin: Where have you taken us, Kara?
[Galactica is shown flying over a gray moon toward Earth—our Earth.]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[While sitting under some trees on the savanna in Africa, Bill Adama explains to Laura Roslin why they chose to name their new planet Earth.]
Adama: Earth is a we've been chasing for a long time. We've earned it. This is Earth.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Bill Adama and Laura Roslin take their first flight on New Earth in a Raptor. They begin to admire the scenery]
Roslin: So
Adama: It's a rich continent. More wildlife than all the 12 Colonies put together. Just looking for a quiet place for that cabin. Maybe a garden...I don't have much of a green thumb so I hope that you do- [sees Roslin dead; she passed away while Adama was speaking]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Baltar to Caprica-Six on New Earth in unspoken reference about his father]
Baltar: You know, I know about farming. [Sobs, Caprica-Six comforts him]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[William Adama is sitting on a high ridge, looking out on a spectacular view of the savannah. Nearby is Laura Roslin's grave, and his last spoken words in the series are to her]
Adama: I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. You should see the light that we get here. When the sun comes from behind the mountains, it's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[150,000 years later, in present-day New York; Virtual Six and Virtual Baltar are reading a National GeographicMagazine]
Virtual Six: [reading] "At a scientific conference this week at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, the startling announcement was made that archeologists believe they found fossilized remains of a young woman who may actually be Mitochondrial Eve. Mitochondrial Eve is the name scientists have given to the most recent common ancestor for all humans now living on Earth. She lived in what is now Tanzania, over 150,000 years ago."
Virtual Baltar: [Smiles] Along with her Cylon mother, and Human father. [The two walk amongst the crowd, seemingly unnoticed]
Virtual Six: Commercialism, decadence, technology run amok. Remind you of anything?
Virtual Baltar: Take your pick. Kobol. Earth...the real Earth, before this one. Caprica before the fall.
Virtual Six: All of this has happened before.
Virtual Baltar: But the question remains, does all of this have to happen again?
Virtual Six: This time I bet no.
Virtual Baltar: [Stops] You know, I've never known you to play the optimist. Why the change of heart?
Virtual Six: Mathematics. Law of averages. Let a complex system repeat itself long enough and eventually something surprising might occur. That, too, is in God's plan.
Virtual Baltar: [Serious] You know it doesn't like that name.
[Six gives Baltar a defiant look]
Virtual Baltar: Silly me. Silly, silly me. [The two walk arm-in-arm off into the streets.]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[A Hybrid reports about the destruction of the Colonies]
Hybrid: Progress reports arriving. The farms of Aerolon are burning. The beaches of Canceron are burning. The plains of Leonis are burning. The jungles of Scorpia are burning. The pastures of Tauron are burning. The harbors of Picon are burning. The cities of Caprica are burning. The oceans of Aquaria are burning. The courthouses of Libran are burning. The forests of Virgon are burning. The Colonies of Man lie trampled at our feet.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Number Two/Leoben: I'm telling you. She flew a Raider. Learned how to control it from the inside. Nobody taught her how. Kara Thrace plucked that knowledge from the stream...
Galactica-Cavil: I don't care if she plucked puppies from God's ass!

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Galactica-Cavil: The plan is everything blows up a week ago. All humans are dead, we Cylons all download and the universe basks in justice. However...
Number Six: It didn't frakkin' happen.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Galactica-Cavil: One of your counterparts managed to get himself outed back on Ragnar Station.
Number Five: I can't understand how he was discovered. I heard it was Dr. Baltar.
Galactica-Cavil: Well, no. I'm not talking about that, exactly. I'm talking about the fact that you're walking around this fleet wearing that jacket and, more importantly, that face. You're recognizable.
Number Five: His jacket was burgundy. This is teal.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Galactica-Cavil: No one was supposed to be alive! Our people were supposed to be positioned to cause destruction, not to mop up afterwards! My Two was the Defense Minister's yoga instructor! If you can believe that. And one of the Sixes was a prostitute! But the only one in a position to do any frakking damage was a Five on this ship and he frakked it up! Now the universe still has these cockroaches in it. And we can't have any peace until we step on them all.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Tough-Six and Galactica-Cavil drunkenly lament on the failure of the Cylons to destroy the Fleet]
Number Six: You want a progress report? I'll give you a frakkin' progress report.
Galactica-Cavil: Oh, no. Please don't. Please don't.
Number Six: Oh, come on, it is spectacular. Doral blew himself up, causing minor damage to a minor hallway. And Boomer jettisoned the water, and then, she personally found loads more water. [Laughs] And then she shot Adama, but not very accurately, since she loved him. And then, Leoben, he got obsessed with Kara Thrace, and then was captured and airlocked. And my sister Six utterly failed to discredit Baltar and his dreamy hair and destroyed our frakkin' cover in the process. And now Simon...Simon killed himself, really killed himself, out of resurrection range, without blowing up the ship that he lived on because he couldn't imagine life without his little human wife and his little human daughter because he loves them...
Galactica-Cavil: Stop, stop, stop.
Number Six: Guess I'd better.
Galactica-Cavil: Yes. They're all letting me down.
Number Six: Why are they letting you down, One? What's the x-factor? [She takes the bottle] You can't declare war on love. [She leaves]
Galactica-Cavil: I think I already did. Hey, where'd the bottle go?

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Caprica-Cavil and Simon hear Starbuck and Anders having sex]
Caprica-Cavil: What are they doing?
Number Four/Simon: You need a doctor to tell you that?
Caprica-Cavil: Oh, for God's sake, why?
Number Four/Simon: Why? He loves her.
Caprica-Cavil: He loves her?
Number Four/Simon: Vigorously.
Caprica-Cavil: But she's beneath him.
Number Four/Simon: [listening to Starbuck's moans] Not necessarily.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Shelly Godfrey: Baltar, he...he helped us so much on Caprica.
Galactica-Cavil: Are you attracted to this human?
Shelly Godfrey: No!
Galactica-Cavil: Because the other Six was addicted to him.
Shelly Godfrey: I am not addicted to him! Baltar is a brilliant man, yes, but you should have seen me. I was brutal with him, I pushed him!
Galactica-Cavil: You pushed him? My dear, if you pushed him you would have sent him through a wall! Oh look, an airlock. How handy.

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
[Caprica-Cavil and Galactica-Cavil are in an airlock, about to be executed]
Caprica-Cavil: Is there a Resurrection Ship within range?
Galactica-Cavil: Yes, brother. But first we're gonna die in a vacuum.
Caprica-Cavil: There's a 170 foot long launch tube in front of us. We might die of our injuries before we get to the vacuum.
Galactica-Cavil: I don't like you.
Caprica-Cavil: I understand that.
Galactica-Cavil: Do you really believe it was a mistake to attack the humans?
Caprica-Cavil: Rather intensly, yes.
Galactica-Cavil: You know that when we download amongst the others your strange ideas will be shouted down.
Caprica-Cavil: Ideas always seem strange until you try them on, brother. We had a temper-tantrum in the form of a cataclysm because we wanted them to treasure us, the Ones, more than humanity. More than their own history and blood.
Galactica-Cavil: We didn't want to be loved. We wanted to be treated fairly.
Caprica-Cavil: We wanted to be held to a bosom. To be petted and perfumed and told we were the princes of the universe.
Galactica-Cavil: Yes, well if the humans were gone-
Caprica-Cavil: Our parents would mourn them. They'd love them more anyway.
Galactica-Cavil: I'm going to see to it that you get boxed. And then I'm going to prepare to wipe out humanity once and for all.
Caprica-Cavil: The anticipation is very unpleasant.
Galactica-Cavil: Yes.
[Caprica-Cavil offers his hand, Galactica-Cavil looks at it and accepts it. Galactica-Cavil closes his eyes while Caprica-Cavil keeps looking. They are then airlocked.]

TV Show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)