Beast Wars Quote

[Megatron has reformatted Rhinox into a Predacon, who has systematically wrecked the other Predacons and turned on him]
Rhinox: Well what do you know? I win. Reprograming me was the worst mistake you ever made, 'cause now that I'm a Predacon, I'm just a little too crafty for you.
Megatron: ... Yes, I see this now.
Rhinox: It's called irony, sport. I take over and you head straight for the recycling bin, yesss.
Megatron: So it would seem, and even now, Rhinox, you're teaching me a very valuable lesson.
Rhinox: Yeah, what's that?
Megatron: Sometimes Predacons gloat too much! [Activates a machine, turning Rhinox back into a Maximal]

TV Show: Beast Wars


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