Beauty and the Beast Quote

Vincent: : How can you even consider a union with such a man?
Catherine: : He's a human being, strong and weak, good and bad. You said so yourself, Vincent. And he loves me, as much as a man like Elliot can love.
Vincent: : But you do not love this man!
Catherine: : No. But there is more at stake than just me here. The painted tunnels, Elizabeth, Father and Mouse, all the children who have found safety Below. And you, you most of all..Vincent, you have risked your life for me a hundred times. How can I stand by and watch your world be destroyed when I have the power to save it?
Vincent: : I cannot allow you to sacrifice yourself in such a way.
Catherine: : I'm sorry, Vincent, but it's not yor decision. I'm going to marry him. I have to.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast


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