Beauty and the Beast Quote

Father: The world above us is cold and gray, summer a distant memory. Our world too has known its winters, so each year we begin this feast in darkness, as our world began in darkness.
Vincent: Long before the city above us raised its towers to the sky, men sought shelter in these caverns.
Mary: In those days, these tunnels were dark places and those who dwelt in fear and isolation.
Vincent: This was a land of lost hope and twisted dreams, a land of depair, where the sounds of footsteps coming down a tunnel were the sounds of terror. Where mean reached for knives and rocks and worse at the sound of other men's voices.
Father: At last a few people learned to put aside their fear.
Mary: And we began to trust each other, to help each other.
Vincent: Each of us grew stronger, those who took the help and those who gave it.
Father: We all were a part of one another, one family, one community. Sometimes we forget this and so we meet here each year to give thanks to those who have helped us and to remember, even the greatest darkness is nothing, so long as we share the light. (edit)
Father: Darkness almost engulfed us, but our unity gave us strength. Our shared light showed us the truth. As we part for another year let us remember. Darkness is only the absence of light...and all winters end.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast


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