Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Beauty and the Beast

A selfish prince is cursed to become a monster for the rest of his life, unless he learns to fall in love with a beautiful young woman he keeps prisoner.


PG | 2h 9min | Family, Fantasy, Musical | 17 March 2017 (USA)

Vincent: Hmmm
Catherine: Why are you smiling?
Vincent: Kristopher worked in oils.
Catherine: Yes.
Vincent: Oils take months to dry completely, Catherine. Sometimes years. This canvas...
Catherine: Don't say it. I have to hold on to some of my certainties, don't I?

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Vincent: Catherine, I don't know what will happen now.
Catherine: You must promise me one thing; that you'll share it with me. Whatever happens, whatever comes.
Vincent: Whatever happens, whatever comes...know that I love you.

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
Catherine(talking to Father): "He is my Life! Without him there is nothing!

TV Show: Beauty and the Beast
[Translated From Trailer] Belle: Who does this castle belong to?
The Beast: Everything here belongs to me.
Belle: You talk like any other man. It's a little disappointing.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
[Translated From Trailer] The Beast: Belle, if you don't come back... I'll die.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Belle: God of the forest. Let me go back to him. It is my only wish. My only desire.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
[On Her First Night in La BÛte's Castle] Belle: My name is Belle. I have come to offer my life in exchange for my father's.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
[the Beast Catches The Merchant Taking a Rose] The Beast: My gifts were not enough for you? Do you also have to steal what I treasure most?
The Merchant: I won't be treated as a thief or a coward. I am a just and honorable man!
The Beast: Who did you pick this rose for?
The Merchant: My youngest daughter. She is worth more than anything in the world, to me.
The Beast: Then I will give you one day to say goodbye to your loved ones. You only need to whisper the words: More than anything in the world, to your horse, and he will bring you here.
The Merchant: I will not return!
The Beast: Oh, yes you will. Otherwise, I will kill your entire family, one by one. I will kill your youngest daughter last, since she's your favorite. Remember... A life for a rose.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
The Beast: Do you think, with patience and force of habit, you will end up loving me?
Belle: I love you already.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
[last lines] Prince: [dancing with her]What? What is it?
Belle: [smiles]How would you feel about growing a beard? [He smirks and growls. They laugh]

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Clothilde: Henri? Henri!
Cogsworth: [sees his wife]Oh, dear. [They hug]
Clothilde: I've been so lonely!
Cogsworth: [to himself]Turn back into a clock... Turn back into a clock.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Cogsworth: When the Master finds out you have disobeyed his orders, he will blame *me*!
LumiÞre: Yes, I will make sure of it, But don't you see, this is the girl we have been waiting for! This is the one who will break the spell!
Cogsworth: You know she will never love him.
LumiÞre: A broken clock is right two times a day, mon ami. But this is not one of those times.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
[Belle enters the castle] LumiÞre: Cogsworth, look! A beautiful girl!
Cogsworth: Yes, I can see it's a girl; I've lost my hands, not my eyes.
LumiÞre: What if she is *the one*? The one who will break the spell?
Belle: Hello? Who said that?

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Belle: [finds the Beast reading in the garden]What are you reading?
Beast: [quickly closes the book]Nothing.
Belle: Guinevere and Lancelot.
Beast: [correcting her]Well, actually...King Arthur and the Round Table. Knights, and men, and swords and things...
Belle: Still... It's a romance.
Beast: Alright...

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Belle: [to the Beast, about the library]Have you really read every one of these books?
Beast: [scoffs]No, not all of them. Some of them are in Greek.
Belle: [laughs]Was that a joke? Are you making jokes now?
Beast: [smirks]Maybe. [He leaves, shaking his head and smiling. Belle giggles]

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
LeFou: [singing]No one's slick as Gaston, no one's quick as Gaston / No one's neck is incredibly thick as Gaston / For there's no man in town half as manly / Perfect, a pure paragon / You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley / And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on! / Who plays darts like Gaston? Who breaks hearts like Gaston? / Who's much more than the sum of his parts like Gaston?
Gaston: [singing]As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!
LeFou: [singing]My, what a guy, that Gaston!

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Beast: [to Belle, opening the enchanted book]A little gift from the Enchantress. A book that truly allows you to escape. [blows the dust off it and places it on the stand]
Belle: [fascinated]How amazing!
Beast: [sadly]It was her cruelest trick of all. It was just another curse. Perhaps our world has no place for a creature like me. But it can for you. [He offers Belle his hand. Belle takes it and he places her hand on the book]
Beast: Think of the one place that you've always wanted to see. Now find it in your mind's eye and feel it in your heart.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
LumiÞre: [to Belle, releasing her from her cell]Forgive my intrusion, mademoiselle. But I have come to escort you to your room.
Belle: [picks up a stool to use as a weapon, suspiciously]My room? But I thought...
LumiÞre: Oh, what? [imitates the Beast]
LumiÞre: 'That once this door closes, it will not open again!' [groans]
LumiÞre: I know! He gets so dramatic. [Belle finally exits her cell and sees Lumiere for the first time]
LumiÞre: Hello! [a frightened Belle gasps and Lumiere falls. Belle hits him with her stool and shrieks]
LumiÞre: [recovers and relights his flames]Oh, you are very strong! This is a great quality!
Belle: [still frightened]What are you?
LumiÞre: I am Lumiere!
Belle: [confused]And... you can talk?
Cogsworth: [appears]Well, of course he can *talk*! It's all he ever does! [huffs]
Cogsworth: Now Lumiere, as head of the household, I demand that you put her back in her cell at once!
LumiÞre: [whispers]What do you want to be for the rest of your life, Cogsworth? A man or a mantle clock?
LumiÞre: [to Belle]Ready, miss?
LumiÞre: [to Cogsworth]Trust me.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
LeFou: [singing]And his name's G-A-S-T... I believe there's another T... It just occurred to me that I'm illiterate and I've never actually had to spell it out loud before...

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Belle: [to a hairbrush]What's your name?
Cogsworth: That is a hairbrush.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
[Beast frees Belle] Beast: [sings]I was the one who had it all, I was the master of my fate / I never needed anybody in my life, I learned the truth too late / I'll never shake away the pain, I close my eyes but she's still there / I let her steal into my melancholy heart, it's more than I can bear / Now I know she'll never leave me, even as she runs away / She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me, move me, come what may / Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door / I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in and be with me for evermore... / I rage against the trials of love, I curse the fading of the light / Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach, she's never out of sight / Now I know she'll never leave me, even as she fades from view / She will still inspire me, be a part of everything I do / Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door / I'll fool myself, she'll walk right in, and as the long long nights begin, I'll think of all that might have been / Waiting here for evermore...

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Belle: [singing]I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell... And for once it might be grand to have someone understand, I want so much more than they've got planned!

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
LumiÞre: Sacre bleu! Invaders!

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Belle: [to the Beast]I never thanked you for saving my life.
Beast: Well, I never thanked *you* for not leaving me to be eaten by wolves. [Belle laughs]

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Maurice: [singing in his workshop]How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die? / It is love we must hold on to, never easy, but we try / Sometimes our happiness is captured, somehow a time and place stand still, / Love lives on inside our hearts, and always will

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Mrs. Potts: [hanging from a chandelier]How do you like your tea? Hot enough or *boiling*? [sees her husband]
Mrs. Potts: [shocked]Mr. Potts! [loses her grip, and falls, screaming]
Chip: Mama! [LeFou catches her]
Mrs. Potts: Thank you! [LeFou nods You're welcome. He spots the villagers about to attack them and dodges them. Mrs. Potts boils one villager up with tea]
LeFou: Take that! [LeFou punches the other villager and turns to Mrs. Potts]
Mrs. Potts: Nicely handled!
LeFou: Well, I used to be on Gaston's side. but we are so in a bad place right now...
Mrs. Potts: You're too good for him anyway.
LeFou: Yeah.
Mrs. Potts: Should we get back to it, then? [LeFou nods enthusiastically and runs off with her to join the servants in driving off the villagers]

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Gaston: [horseback riding with LeFou; uses the telescope to see Belle]Look at her, LeFou. My future wife. Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village. That makes her the best.
LeFou: But she's so... well-read! And you're so... athletically inclined.
Gaston: I know. Belle can be as argumentative as she is beautiful.
LeFou: Exactly! Who needs her when you've got us?
Gaston: Yes. But ever since the war I've felt like I've been missing something. And she's the only girl that gives me that sense of...
LeFou: Hmm... je ne sais quoi?
Gaston: I don't know what that means.

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Mrs. Potts: [to Belle]The master's *not* as terrible as he appears!

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
[Gaston, LeFou and the mob are in the castle. LeFou notices Mrs. Potts and Chip sleeping] LeFou: [to Chip]Well, hello there... You must be the talking teacup. [to Mrs. Potts]
LeFou: And you must be his grandmother.
Mrs. Potts: [awakes, gasps]Grandmother? [to the servants]
Mrs. Potts: Attack! [They attack the mob at the castle]

Movie: Beauty and the Beast
Madame Garderobe: [faces off with Tom, Dick and Stanley]Come here, little boys! [dresses them up in ladies' clothes]
Madame Garderobe: Three pretty boys! [Tom and Dick scream and run, but Stanley looks pleased]
Madame Garderobe: Be free, be free!

Movie: Beauty and the Beast