BloodRayne: The Third Reich Quotes

[last lines]Rayne: Guten tag, motherfuckers!

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Nathaniel: I certainly would have remembered you from the meetings. I'm Nathaniel. You've already met my partners Vasyl and Magda. I've never seen anyone move like you do.
Rayne: I'll bet you say that to all the girls.
Nathaniel: Curious thing is I'm not so sure you are just a girl.
Rayne: Only the good half.
Nathaniel: You're her aren't you? The Dhampir. Where's the Commandant?
Rayne: Shish-kabob.

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Rayne: Fucking Nazis.

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Rayne: I need your men to understand something. I have spent my whole life hunting down the undead, and I promise you that it's about to get seriously fucking complicated.
Nathaniel: Good. I was sick of killing just Nazis. An undead will fire things up around here.

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Commandant Ekart Brand: [about to drink a vile of Rayne's blood]Heil Hitler.

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Lt. Kaspar Jaeger: [looking at the vampire creature on the Doctor's slab]Is that a vampire?
Doctor Mangler: Indeed. A night patrol caught it scrounging near the west fence a couple of nights ago. Unprecedented happenstance. I believe it was a Gypsy at one time, but who is to say?
Lt. Kaspar Jaeger: I've never seen one before.
Doctor Mangler: Which is why you're still alive. These creatures have no longer any bond to the morals of man. Which is why you never trust a vampire. [the Doctor begins cutting into the vampire]
Lt. Kaspar Jaeger: Must you cut him in my presence?
Doctor Mangler: It, Lieutenant. It. For I'll tell you something, this creature is one very resilient specimen.

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Commandant Ekart Brand: And who shall I say has the honor of besting me today?
Rayne: Honor? The last thing this about is honor. My apologies but the locals are finishing up outside. So let's just make this thing short and bloody!

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich
Lt. Kaspar Jaeger: I have no authority in these matters. But I will not stand by and let you kill that creature as part of some mandated experiment of yours, Doctor.
Doctor Mangler: The fascinating caveat to this Lieutenant is that they are very difficult to kill. Only by stake, fire, holy water, decapitation, and sunlight. The vampire still stay resilient forever. It's a marvel of science. I'm on the cusp of clasping the secret to lifelong longevity. My experiments will contribute to the better endowment of the Reich... to the leaders of the Reich. You see... I believe I can make Hitler immortal.

Movie: BloodRayne: The Third Reich