Blue Heelers Quotes

Jonesy: Nice view...bit of a drop...

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Amy: Aggrrhh! Everytime I search men's luggage it's makes me glad I'm not married!
Andrew: Member of the sisterhood, are you?
Amy: I wish!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Susie: He's dead, she's got coke, join the dots!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Susie (about Jonesy): Good career. Nice while it lasted.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: There's something missing.
Amy (distractedly): Somewhere else...
Tom: Thankyou, Fox. Very helpful.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Susie: What is your problem?!
Amy: What's your's?!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Amy: Is it just my imagination or do we spend more time chasing Constable Cowboy than we do chasing crooks?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Amy: Read books do you, Donna?
Donna: You've probably never opened one. They have words in them.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: I just didn't want it to appear that you were getting special treatment.
Daniel: Yeah, I was getting special treatment. Being locked up for owning a pair of really common shoes.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Kelly (to Joss): It's for you, Romeo. It's Juliet, or at least Juliet's mum.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Jonesy: Oh, and keep it in your pants.
Joss: Look who's talking.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: Peroni, if I wanted a doorstop I'd go out and buy one.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Roy: I'm just trying to help you become a better copper.
Kelly: My arse!
Roy: Your arse has nothing to do with it.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: There is a Steve working the district and he picked up Jim Tudor last night and dropped him out to an abandoned farm.
Tom: Where he slept in a manger and gave birth to baby Jesus, I get the picture.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Faye: So what time are you coming around?
Joss: Faye, I don't think...
Faye: What time?
Joss: Straight after work.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: How'd you find him?
Tom: Competent police work, what have you two been doing?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: Peroni, you're an idiot.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Roy: You ring the parents, I'll put her through the books in a minute.
Susie: I think what he was trying to say is 'good job, well done'.
Kelly: Wouldn't hold my breath.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Kelly: I came over because you looked lonely, Roy Boy.
Roy: That's Sergeant Roy Boy to you.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Chris: How are spending Christmas, Jonesy?
Jonesy: I think I will go and flush myself down the toilet, Chrissy.
Chris: Oh, a non-traditional Christmas, then.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Nick: The only thing Tom Croydon is likely to knock over is a pie shop.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: A gun is only a threat if the person it's being used against doesn't want to die.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: I grew up in a Lebanese grocery.
Foley: You'd understand, then.
PJ: Oh yes. It's the falafels and pistacchio nuts that made me the detective I am today.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: What are you saying, the cows made me do it?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Don't ask me, I slept through algebra.
Amy: It's compound interest.
PJ: There's a difference?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex: Well, hello Foxy!
Amy: Senior Detective will be fine.
Alex: Ouch!
PJ: Don't you have your own desk?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex: You're only trapped if you think you're trapped. It's a mind thing, Grasshopper.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex: There's a crazy man running around with a gun.
Tom: If this is a joke...
Alex: Actually, he was wearing a uniform like your's. His name is Jones.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Alex: The Senior Sergeant is a bit of a straight shooter, is he?
Mark: Well, that's one way of putting it.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Jonesy: You didn't tell me you were coming.
Alex: I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!

TV Show: Blue Heelers