Brotherhood (2006 TV series) Quotes

Michael: You're pissed at me.
Tommy: How can I be pissed? You're the prodigal son, you know, if Ma could, she'd kill every fatted calf in New England.
Michael: Ooh, you're wicked pissed.

TV Show: Brotherhood (2006 TV series)
Partner: And what the fuck does the exception proves the rule mean? If there's an exception to a rule, then it's not a rule... unless that's some fucking mick logic I don't understand 'cause my ancestors had the good sense to invent scallopini and cannoli, while yours were happy eating potatoes and dirt.
Declan: [laughing] Fuck you!
Partner: Nice comeback.

TV Show: Brotherhood (2006 TV series)
Declan: You know what I think? I don't think you believe in the power of collective bargaining.
Partner: That whole idea was invented by the communists.

TV Show: Brotherhood (2006 TV series)
Michael: Pete, you throw like a girl.
Pete: Listen, I don't throw like a fuckin' girl. All right?
Michael: It's not the best part of your game, is it?
Pete: It's a cruel thing to fuckin' say.
Michael: All right, all right. I take it back. You don't throw like a girl.

TV Show: Brotherhood (2006 TV series)