Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quote

Giles: A fourteen-year-old is too old to be babysat, it's not fair to her.
Buffy: What'd she make you do?
Giles: Well, we listened to aggressively cheerful music sung by people chosen for their ability to dance, and we ate cookie dough and talked about boys.
Buffy: [laughs] Oh, I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry, but if it makes you feel any better, my fun-time Buffy party night involved watching a robot throw Spike through a window. So if you wanna trade... No wait, I wouldn't give that memory up for anything.
Giles: Robot? Sounds interesting.
Buffy: We're gonna work on it in the morning, I mean, unless you want to stay for a while, and then you and I could-
Joyce: Who wants to hear everything?
Buffy: ...listen to my Mom talk about boys.
Giles: Right. Must go. See you tomorrow. Bye Joyce.
Joyce: Bye Rupert.
Joyce: [recounting her date with Brian] Gosh, I'd forgotten how much fun dating can be.
Buffy: I dunno, I was standing right here. I didn't see Prince Charming. I didn't even see a goodnight kiss. It all looked pretty tame to me.
Joyce: Well, I suppose by your standards it would seem pretty... Oh, dear.
Buffy: What?
Joyce: I left my bra in his car.
Buffy: [appalled] Mother!
Joyce: I'm joking.
Buffy: Good God, that's horrible. Don't do that.
Joyce: [playfully] I left it in the restaurant.
Buffy: [running upstairs, hands over her ears] No more! No more! No more!
Joyce: [calling upstairs] On the dessert cart!
Buffy: [faintly, off screen] I can't hear you!

TV Show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer


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