Bugs Quotes

Bugs Bunny: [disguised as a ghost] You're a mean and low down man with no Christmas Spirit. I'm taking you to see the man in the red suit.
Yosemite Sam: [touched] Oh, ya mean Santa Claus?
Bugs Bunny: No. I mean the *other* guy in the red suit.
Yosemite Sam: [realizes what the ghost means and looks very afraid] Oh... ya mean... down there?
Bugs Bunny: I do!

Movie: Bugs
Yosemite Sam: [pouring hot water into a small tub] Nothing like a good hot bath to make ya sleep. [Scrooge walks out of the room, Bugs opens a nearby window and touches the water]
Bugs Bunny: Ooh, that's far too hot for the little miser. He's liable to boil his money built! [Bugs laughs and shovels snow through the open window into the tub]
Bugs Bunny: This oughta cool off everything but his temper. [Scrooge throws off his top and jumps into the tub - only to almost instantly jump out 'wearing' a round block of ice]
Yosemite Sam: YEEOW! Ooh!

Movie: Bugs
[Bugs kisses Scrooge]
Yosemite Sam: [very angry] Ooh! I hates Christmas! And I hates mistletoe! And I hates kissing! [pushes Bugs towards the door]
Yosemite Sam: And I say Bah humbug! to the whole thing!
Bugs Bunny: But where's ya Christmas spirit?

Movie: Bugs
[Three separate groups meet up in a mine]
General George S. Merlin: For an abandoned mine, it sure is crowded.

Movie: Bugs
Ben Reade: Eating a burger is not natural.

Movie: Bugs
Ben Reade: It's super-nutty, like a macadamia vibe.

Movie: Bugs
Ben Reade: What a way for a queen to go!

Movie: Bugs
Ben Reade: It's like God's homemade sausage.

Movie: Bugs
Ben Reade: As a food, it kicks ass.

Movie: Bugs
Ben Reade: There's no shit going on here. This is proper food.

Movie: Bugs
Ben Reade: Who cares how much money you have in your bank account if you have really tasty food in your garden?

Movie: Bugs