Connections Quotes

Jimmy 'Popeye' Doyle: Hey, Miletto! Come on, get up here! I want you to ask this **** somethin'. Ask him if he ever picked his feet in Poughkeepsie.

Movie: Connections
Ramon Cota: I'm Ramon Cota. You're dead.

Movie: Connections
[About phone sex.]
Sammy: Call me old-fashioned, but I like my women live and direct.

Movie: Connections
[Explaining the excesses that led to the demise of Charles The Bold of Burgundy]
Presenter: The first modern nation ran on tick. Well, one day, Portenari got a letter from no less than the president of his bank - a man called Lorenzo The Magnificent, who happened to be running Florence at the time - who said, Watch yourself when you're dealing with Charles of Burgundy, won't you? Well, of course Portenari ignored this advice, and when Charles went on to head up new military disasters, Portenari would write a letter to friends who had a bank near the battle, and they would turn up on the spot with bags full of loot. All of which, naturally enough, tended to make Charles an admirer of things Italian -- especially their soldiers. He was using them to train his own men in new tactics. And it was the Italian connection that finally blew it for Charles, because one day he decided to strengthen his lines of communication with Italy by moving into an area south of him. Now that was going to bump him up against the Swiss. Still, who were a bunch of mountain louts to stand against Charles The Bold of Burgundy, the greatest thing since sliced venison? So, off he set - and in doing so triggered off a series of events that was to end, five hundred years later, with the landing on the moon.

Movie: Connections
[first lines]
Jimmy 'Popeye' Doyle: Merry Christmas. What's your name, little boy?
Little Boy: Eric.
Jimmy 'Popeye' Doyle: Uh-huh, Eric. What do you want for Christmas Eric? Hmmm?

Movie: Connections