CSI - Crime Scene Investigation Quotes

Gil Grissom: : Somebody likes it cold.
Captain Jim Brass: : Las Vegas in May plus global warming.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Captain Jim Brass: : What's the matter Gil, lost your interest in dead bodies?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: Where is she, Catherine? It's 110 degrees, she's been out here all day, without water, she's disorientated, she's...she's -- dehydrated...
Catherine: She's a survivor.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: Natalie. Natalie Davis. I know who you are. I know a lot about you. You make miniatures. I've seen you before, right? You work in the lab, in the cleaning crew. I'm so sorry about hitting you back there. I guess, uh, I have a fear of trunks. In my job, you only find one thing in them. We actually have a lot in common, you know. I was a foster kid, too. Happy happy, joy joy. [Sara laughs] I do know what it's like to be alone, afraid nobody's ever going to be there for you.
Natalie: [whispering] Ernie was.
Sara: Yes, he was. That's true, Natalie. I lost my father too. I know that Ernie loved you. He would not have wanted you to do this.
Natalie: [whispering] Ernie loved me more than Grissom could ever love you.
Sara: Grissom. I know what this is about. Natalie? What did you put in the water? Natalie. Huh? [Sara passes out]

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: It's a crowded restaurant, somebody must have seen something.
Brass: Not exactly, welcome to the latest fad, dining in the dark. [presses a remote that makes the room pitch black] The waiters are blind. No one sees anything. Piece of cake, huh?
Catherine: Did he just leave?
Warrick: I think so.
David: [anxiously] Guys...I have a dead body here...

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: When did you tell Ecklie we got involved?
Sara: Two years ago. Why, what did you tell him?
Grissom: Nine years ago.
Sara (laughs): The Forensic Academy conference.
Grissom: Yeah. You, uh, had too many questions about anthropology for some reason.
Sara: Well, I was stalling. I was trying to get the nerve to ask you to dinner.
Grissom: You had a ponytail.
Sara: I'm gonna move to swing.
Grissom: We talked about this.
Sara: I know that you said you would do it but I don't wanna do that to the team. Besides, I am sure that I could use more daylight in my life. [long pause] We should go.
Grissom: Yeah.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Nick: [talking about go karts] You know, when I was a kid I used to make these things out of lunch trays and old lawn mower engines.
Greg: When I was a kid, I used to make bombs.
Nick: [looks at Greg]
Greg: [holds his fingers up to indicate "small"] Little bombs.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: Do you have any relatives?
Amy: Not anymore.
Catherine: I've got a daughter. She's almost your age.
Amy: [coldly] Maybe we should hang out.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: The staff told me that you already went through the SAE kit.
Amy: They tell you I'm all banged up inside?
Catherine: Not in those words.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Ronnie: Cops must've picked himm up before he died.
Sara: Maybe that's not all they did.
Ronnie: Well, it was just a guess.
Sara: What's the first thing that police do when the question a suspect?
Ronnie: Check for I.D...Standard procedure.
Sara: Eddie Kaye's only identification was an expired driver's license found separated from all of his other possessions. Print it.
Ronnie: What? You're not seriously gonna go after the cops after something like this?
Sara: You know, that question I will answer. We're not here to protect anyone, Ronnie. Not even the cops. We're here to figure out what happened. If you can't do that, you should get different job.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: [while searching Rhode's apartment] You know, if i had to gauge him by his apartment, I'd have to say that Alister Rhodes is just a regular guy.
Nick: Yeah, I'm sure that's what he wants everyone to think too.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Brass: You ever been the Rachno's Central Motel?
Rev. Rhodes: Plenty of times. Hookers, addicts, drug dealers, pimps, wife beater, runaways. I save people.
Brass: [shows him a picture] You ever save these two? [Rhodes stares at the picture, a little taken aback] You know them, don't you?
Rev. Rhodes: There's nothing I can tell you.
Brass: These people have a daughter and she's missing. And due to the fact that you're a convicted sex offender, you better come up with something more than these corny, priestly homilies, and you better come up with them fast.
Rev. Rhodes: I don't have to answer to you. i want to talk to my lawyer.
Brass: That's a good idea. Because you're under arrest.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Mandy: So, I got a hit off of the 'Do Not Disturb' sign. [hands her paper]
CatherineL Drug dealer with priors for assault. Nice.
Mandy: Well, don't get too excited because I got another hit off of the telephone. Pedophile. [hands her another paper] And I got one off of the dress, a rapist. [hands her another paper] And one off the bed frame. A prostitute, a pimp, and another prostitute. [hands her more papers]
Catherine: Is that is?
Mandy: For felonies, yes. Do you want misdemeanors too?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Rev. Rhodes: Mr. Grissom...do you believe in a separate, living evil?
Grissom: You're a primitive man on the Savannah. You see something move out of the corner of your eye. You assume it's a hyena. You run, you live. If you assume it's the wind and you're wrong, you die. we have the genes of the ones who ran. We're genetically hard-wired to believe living forces that we cannot see.
Rev. Rhodes: The Devil's sliest trick is making up believe he isn't real. But call his name loud and long enough, [knocks on the table four times] guess who comes knockin' on your door?
Brass: Usually guys like you.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: Oh, I love it when you dress up.
Sara: Well, you know whatever it takes to get some time with you. How's the study going? Any signs of colony-collapse disorder?
Grissom: Nope, so far, it's healthy.
Sara: Nothing too healthy about smoking.
Grissom: Well, the scent confuses the guard bees, they won't emit the pheromone that tells the colony there's an intruder.
Sara: Oh, don't worry, he's harmless. Who's who?
Grissom: These are the workers, infertile females.
Sara: They don't sting?
Grissom: Well, not unless you swat one, close one up in your hand or freak out. Go ahead, take off your glove.
Sara: All right, I trust you.
Grissom: See, it's cool. The worker bees defend the hive, procure the pollen, make the honey, nurture the larvae and pupae in each of these group cells...you know, maybe we should get married.
The bee on her hand stings her:
Grissom: Don't pick it out, makes it worse, releases the venom into the blood stream. It's better to scrape it. So, er, what do you think, you know, about-
Sara: -Yes. Let's do it.
Grissom: Yeah.
She laughs, they try to kiss but have trouble in the bee suits

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Wendy Simms: I don't have huge breasts. Mine are kind of ... medium.
David Hodges: But perfect ...
(Wendy turns and glares at Hodges.)
Hodges: --ly adequate. Better, in fact.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: I'll call in some additional AV techs to help Archie get through the footage, but you know, I've learned that sometimes you can go faster by going slow.
Agent Jack Malone: Yeah, well I like to go faster by going fast. Waiting around isn't really my best thing.
Grissom: : I've gathered that from your interrogation technique. You know, maybe you should go back to your hotel and take a nap.
Agent Jack Malone: [looks around] Is this your office? Really? I mean, by choice? It's not some kind of, uh, surplus overflow issue?
Grissom: What's wrong with my office?
Agent Jack Malone: Oh, I don't know. Uh, [Looks at pig in jar] why don't you tell me. [Puts on glasses for a closer look]
Grissom: That's an irradiated fetal pig. I used it to determine the effects of radiation on tissue.
Agent Jack Malone: For what?
Grissom: For fun.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: [about Mrs. Jimenez] What happened? Her husband attack her again?
Ronnie: No. She came in voluntarily. It took some convincing, but she's agreed to go to a shelter.
Sara: She won't stay.
Ronnie: Maybe not. But at least now she has a chance. Look, I did it all on my own time, no OT. I know it's not the way you do things, but I think it's part of the job. At least, that's how I want it to be. For me.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: What's with all the blood?
Hooker: Oh, don't take that tone with me, blondie. This is the blood on an innocent Samaritan.
Brass: Oh, yeah? We got a special on Samaritans, we're arresting them tonight.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Hannah: You don't expect me to confess to something I didn't do?
Sara: I am just putting you on notice. You are not fooling me anymore.
Hannah: I think I know why you're so angry, Sara. I did some research. I read about what that serial killer did to you out in the desert, under that car...
Sara: We're talking about you, Hannah.
Hannah: It must've been so terrible being trapped like that all alone. Did your life flash in front of your eyes?
Sara: That is not of your business.
Hannah: You must've been so sad knowing that you were gonna lose everyone who mattered to you.
Sara: Stop it, Hannah.
Hannah: Look, I know how it feels. One moment my parents were alive, and the next they were gone.
Sara: Answer the question!
Hannah: My life changed in that moment. All that I have left is Marlon. Why would I do anything to hurt him?
Sara: [stands up and hits the table] Stop playing games with me!
Hannah: You're the one who's playing games.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Marlon: I'm telling you, I didn't kill Kira. I've never lied to you. Not once. You just never believe me. When I'm guilty, you want me to be innocent. When I'm innocent, you want me to be guilty.
Nick: Hey, you know what, Marlon? You can save it, 'cause unlike most people, you're not going to get me to underestimate you. I already know you're every bit as smart as your sister, especially when it comes to creating confusion.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Marlon: Hannah, they're going to put me away for the rest of my life.
Hannah: The evidence is against you, particularly given your history of violence.
Marlon: Please...after everything I've done for you, after everything we've done for each other, at least tell me why.
Hannah: Because I love you.
Marlon: And I love you, too.
Hannah: No, you don't. But you will. I promise, I'll visit you every week.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: I don't think Kira punched Marlon. I think Hannah picked up the tooth from a fight that Marlon had earlier in the evening. And I think she planted it on Kira. [Grissom is silent as he thinks about it] That's crazy.
Grissom: It's possible.
Sara: This kid is spinning me in circles again.
Grissom: You know, Sara, some cases, some suspects, can get under your skin. Like this tooth. But you can't let 'em make you feel bad.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Ronnie Lake: Mrs. Jimenez, are you okay?
Kim Jiminez: Bad back.
Ronnie: [looks at Mrs. Jimenez's back and finds a knife sticking out of it] Sara, she's got a very bad back.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Nick: [about Marlon West] He confessed. It was later thrown out on a technicality. We really didn't need it. The prosecution's case against Marlon was very strong.
Sara: Until Marlon's little sister Hannah got on the stand and confessed to the murder herself.
Catherine: Oh, yes, I remember this case. A high school senior at age 12.
Nick: She's a pint-size Machiavelli. She manipulated events, fabricated evidence, and in the end...
Sara: She claimed that she did it because she loved Marlon. Some warped sense of justice... She graduated later that summer, became legally emancipated from her parents and went off to Harvard, pre-med.
Grissom: You keeping tabs on her?
Sara: Not recently. Look, accident or no accident, Marlon killed before. Hannah sunk this case, Marlon got a free pass, and now he's killed again.
Catherine: Well, we don't know that just yet. I mean, we don't have Marlon's DNA to compare with the semen that was found in the victim. All the old evidence was expunged with the verdict.
Sara: I want this case.
Grissom: The one that got away?
Sara: We're not supposed to let them get away, right?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Marlon: I asked Hannah to teach me how to make GHB, and how to get it into Kira. I just wanted to mess her up a bit. I snuck it into Kira's room a few days ago; I still had a key. Hannah must've made a copy.
Sara: I believe you, Marlon. I really do. But the only thing that a jury's going to see is your prints on the lube, your prints on the windowsill, and another dead girl.
Marlon: Why is Hannah doing this to me?
Sara: I don't know. All I know is ... you don't deserve to take the fall for this. And the question is ... are you going to let your sister get away with this and spend the rest of your life in jail?
Marlon: If Hannah wants me in jail, that's where I'm going to be. There's nothing I can do about it.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Hannah: He didn't kill Kira. He cared about her.
Sara: Hannah, what makes you think that I would believe anything that you tell me?
Hannah (smiles sweetly): I suppose I'm an optimist. College has been a difficult adjustment for Marlon, especially after we lost our parents.
Sara: I'm sorry about that.
Hannah: You're not really, though. When will Marlon be able to leave?
Sara: Well, we're going to keep him here as long as we possibly can.
Hannah: At least that's honest. It also seems a little vindictive.
Sara: Given your brother's history, I think it's pretty sensible.
Hannah: What's wrong, Sara? You're different than you used to be. You're angry. And a little sad, too. Why?
Sara: If you want to spend more time with your brother, I recommend you invest in a good lawyer, Hannah.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Brass: We're here to talk to you about Kira Dellinger.
Marlon: Kira committed suicide.
Sara: Actually, she was murdered.
Marlon: Somebody I know ends up dead and I'm automatically a suspect?
Brass: History has a way of repeating itself, Marlon.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Catherine: Such a scary thing, sending your kid off to college.
Doc Robbins: Is Lindsey looking already?
Catherine: Yeah. In fact, we looked at WLVU last month.
Doc Robbins: Well, at least she'd be close to home.
Catherine: She's free on campus, might as well be a thousand miles away.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
David: It's the third jumper on campus this year. Maybe it's contagious.
Catherine: I saw this documentary once on suicides off the Golden Gate Bridge, and they interviewed a survivor and he said the moment that he let go of the railing, he realized that all of his problems were fixable, except for having jumped.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation