CSI - Crime Scene Investigation Quotes

Greg: Looks like our vic was in a goth band. You know, I used to be goth.
Nick: Mh-hmm.
Greg: Yeah, the goth-thing was just an act. Chicks dug it.
Nick: How does that work?
Greg: You act depressed to get chicks, you get depressed chicks.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Brass: It's going to be tough to get a warrant.
Sara: I need Marlon West's DNA. If his semen is in Kira Dellinger, it puts him at the murder.
Brass: Look, they had a known sexual relationship, so there's no evidence of rape. And I don't know if you know this, but Marlon's mother and father were killed in a car accident last year. Judge Bowman is going to be very sensitive to that. It could look like harassment.
Sara: Jim, are you going to talk to the judge or not?
Brass: Wow, you really got it out for this kid. What's the deal here, Sara?
Sara: Marlon West has killed before.
Brass: Not according to a jury of his peers.
Sara: Did you have fun talking to Kira Dellinger's parents?
Brass: Excuse me?
Sara: Must've been a lot of screaming and crying and despair.
Brass: Yeah, there usually is. What's your point, Sara?
Sara: My point is, if we had done our job right the first time, Marlon West would be in jail, and Kira Dellinger would still be alive. Talk to the judge.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Marlon: I'm telling you, I didn't kill Kira. I've never lied to you. Not once. You just never believe me. When I'm guilty, you want me to be innocent. When I'm innocent, you want me to be guilty.
Nick: Hey, you know what, Marlon? You can save it, 'cause unlike most people, you're not going to get me to underestimate you. I already know you're every bit as smart as your sister, especially when it comes to creating confusion.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Hannah West: [to Sara] You need to talk to me again?
Sara Sidle: I do. I know that you killed Kira Dellinger. I just can't prove it.
Hannah West: That must be frustrating for you.
Sara Sidle: Hannah, Marlon's dead.
Hannah West: Wow. That's a really sad and desperate ploy, Sara. It's beneath you.
[Sara shows Hannah the photo of Marlon hanging at the windowsill]
Sara Sidle: He was doing well here, wasn't he? Making friends, joining a band, falling in love. But you're still a freak, just like high school.
Hannah West: You're lying. No. This is a lie.
Sara Sidle: His world got bigger, and yours stayed the same, and you killed Kira so you could keep him all to yourself, didn't you?
Hannah West: [screams] It's a lie! No... it's a lie! It's a lie! This is a... lie! [drops her backpack and grabs Sara's hands. Sara struggles with her and kneels as Hannah cries] Stop it! Marlon... he-he-he can't leave me all alone.
[Sara puts her arm around Hannah]

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Sara: [voice over] Gil, You know I love you. I feel I've loved you forever. Lately, I haven't been feeling very well. Truth be told, I'm tired. Out in the desert, under that car that night, I realized something, and I haven't been able to shake it. Since my father died, I've spent almost my entire life with ghosts. We've been like close friends, and out there in the desert, it occurred to me that it was time for me to bury them. I can't do that here. I'm so sorry. No matter how hard I try to fight it off, I'm left with the feeling that I have to go. I have no idea where I'm going, but I know I have to do this. If I don't, I'm afraid I'll self destruct, and worse, you'll be there to see it happen. Be safe. Know that I tried very hard to stay. Know that you're my one and only. I will miss you with every beat of my heart. Our life together was the only home I've ever really had. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love you. I always will. Good bye. [edit]

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: (After Hodges imagines Brass shooting Bobby Dawson six times) What do you have against Bobby Dawson?
Hodges: Nothing.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Wendy: I fell off a ladder?
Hodges: Well you are kinda clumsy.
Wendy: Since when?
Henry: It's endearing.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Hodges: Field Agent Simms.
Wendy: Stop it.
Henry: It's got a nice ring to it.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Wendy: Why is even potential advancement so threatening to you?
Hodges: Sanders left the lab, he got his ass kicked, that's all I'm saying.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
David: (Repeated line as a gag) No signs of sexual trauma.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Dr. Al Robbins: You know, David, our job is never easy, but this is a colleague. If your emotions are too raw and you feel you need to excuse yourself...
David: [Touching a frozen body which causes a crunching sound] Look!

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: Hey, Gris, I'm sorry I'm late. I had some business to take care of.
Grissom: This is your business. You were first up. That means you're supposed to be here first.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Nick [to Warrick]: No I'm not gonna let it go, man. (Nick throws Warrick's pills and he confronts him) You need to take a look at yourself, Warrick. (pause) And I care because I'm your friend. (long pause)
Warrick (nods and smiles): Yeah.
Nick: All right?
Warrick: Yeah, yeah.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: Hey, Gris, listen. About me being late ...
Grissom: You have a cell phone paid for by the department. You call, you say you're running late. What's going on with you?
Warrick: I don't know. This, uh ... this whole divorce has taken the wind out of my sails. You know, I used to have the team to distract me from all this, but even that's changed with Sara being gone. I feel kind of disconnected.
Grissom: You've got your work. Don't screw that up.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Greg: Regal Sanitation was owned by Anthony Pezzulo. I'm studying mob history for a book I'm writing.
Warrick: Pezzulo? Wasn't he the mob boss who owned the Starfly?
Greg: They called Pezzulo "Whacko," not so much for his wacky personality as for his love for whacking guys.
Grissom: Until he himself got whacked at the Wisconsin Dells in 1983. Every mob-owned business in Vegas shut down when Pezzulo died.
Warrick: These scumbags like roaches. Just when you think they're gone, they pop back up again.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: I have a good feeling he works for Gedda.
Grissom: Yeah, but we don't work off feelings, do we?

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: I ran Pigalle's address to find out if there are any more crimes linked to it over the years. I found hundreds: 416s, 413s, 411s ... the list goes on.
Grissom: Any consistent suspects?
Warrick: Only thing consistent is that the victims refused to file charges and the witnesses refused to give statements. And it's funny enough the cops lost interest in pursuing it.
Grissom: What are you saying?
Warrick: I'm saying it looks like Gedda is running an old school extortion racket, and you can't do that without having cops on the payroll.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Brass: The judge doesn't think the bruises are enough probable cause to issue a warrant.
Warrick: What judge?
Brass: Greene.
Warrick: When I was running bets for Judge Cohen, she was in on the action.
Brass: I have no comment.
Warrick: You know, these club owners: they pay a lot of taxes; they fund campaigns; they hand out free drinks, all in exchange for protection. I mean, what can I do?
Brass: Go to the undersheriff, see if he can use his influence. But I doubt it.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Undersheriff McKeen (to Warrick): All right, say that I get you the warrant. What are you looking for, something that made armpit bruises?
Warrick: The barber's chair in Gedda's office made the armpit bruises.
Undersheriff McKeen: I'm agreeing with the judge. (behind Warrick he sees Grissom talking with an officer and shouts) Grissom!
Grissom (to the officer): Okay. (the officer leaves and Grissom walks over to Warrick and McKeen)
Undersheriff McKeen: You need to save your CSI here. What he has is circumstantial based off of weird bruises and a barber chair. Brown needs to get better evidence and leave the rest in our hands.
Warrick: I'm sorry, leave what in your hands? Gedda's money? (McKeen glares at him, then turns and leaves. Warrick starts to leave, but Grissom grabs his arm)
Grissom: Listen to me. Putting Gedda in jail is not gonna solve your problems. You just got the rest of the night off.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick [to Candy]: You ever see a barber's chair in Gedda's office?
Candy: No, but I heard about one. It's supposed to be Al Capone's.
Warrick: Al Capone.
Candy: Yeah, but that has to be a rumor. Mob guy with Al Capone's chair -- it's so cliché. Gedda's like the last wise guy left in Vegas. Guess that's his way of keeping his culture alive.
Warrick: Scumbags like him don't have culture.
Candy: Scumbags like him started Vegas. None of these lights would be here if it wasn't for them.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom: Pay the bill and let's go.
Warrick: How'd you know I was here?
Grissom: You've been here twice already today. We're leaving.
Warrick: Come on, Gris, why don't you sit down and have a drink with us?
Grissom: I'm on the clock.
Warrick: So am I.
Grissom: So you want to get fired.
Warrick: No, I want to let them know I'm here. I figured I'd order a couple bottles and not pay for it and see what happens.
Grissom: You think he's that stupid?
Warrick: It's worth a try. (the waitress slides her tray with the bill over to him)
Waitress: Here you go, sir.
Warrick: Thank you. (he looks at the bill: 'Compliments of the house')
Grissom (dryly): Well, now you gotta pay for it, 'cause we're not allowed to accept gifts.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Nick (to Gino): You know, there are two things a jury can't stand, people who abuse kids and people who abuse animals. So buena suerte.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Henry: I know government employees aren't eligible for reward money, but I think we should at least get a small percentage.
Catherine: It's called your salary.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
David: Hey Doc.
Doc Robbins: Hey.
David: I heard your band killed last night.
Doc Robbins: Really? Who'd you hear that from.
David: My wife's second cousin. Works in the mayor's office for the budget and finance director. He was at the country club. Grooved to your moldy oldies all night.
Doc Robbins: They're classics.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Brass (about Warrick): You should have put him in your car and driven him home.
Grissom: I have to trust the people I work with, Jim.
Brass: Look, Warrick's a loose cannon. We both know that. He was in Gedda's strip club ...
Grissom: He was off the clock.
Brass: ... conducting his own police investigation.
Grissom: He's very passionate about this case.
Brass: Yeah, passionate enough to sleep with the vic who ended up dead in his car. Look, I know Warrick didn't have anything to do with it, but he needs to back off. Guys like Lou Gedda: they don't skip on murder and extortion by being lucky.
Grissom: What does that mean? You think Gedda's got friends inside the department?
Brass: Well, unlike Warrick, I don't make accusations until I have proof.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
IAB Investigator [to Warrick]: So, in the course of developing this informant, you took her to a motel and had sex with her?
Warrick: That part was personal.
IAB Investigator: CSI Brown, in your mind, is there any distinction between personal and official?
Warrick: Have you guys bothered to call the motel? I checked in with a credit card. I checked out around 5: 00. I called a cab. Talk to the cab driver. When I woke up, Candy was gone. When I got back to the club to pick up my car, she was dead. Listen to me. I did not kill her. But I know damn well who did.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick: Hey, Grissom.
Grissom: Did you talk to IA yet?
Warrick: Yeah. They cleared me. They didn't seem to have much interest in Gedda.
Grissom: That's because it wasn't about Gedda. It was about you.
Warrick: It's everything to do with Gedda. Sending me a message. Murders an innocent young girl because I got too close to them. I want this case, Gris.
Grissom: I hope you know that's not gonna happen. You're in the rotation as of tomorrow, so go home.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Warrick (after putting a file on Grissom's desk): His name is Richard Dorsey.
Grissom: You know, you keep pursuing this, you're going to end up suspended.
Warrick: Dorsey's prints were found inside my car under the broken window.
Grissom: Well, that's consistent with him putting the body in your car.
Warrick: Grissom, he's a homeless guy. He lives in the alley behind the strip club. Don't you get it? He's Gedda's fall guy. This is a frame job.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Grissom [to Warrick]: Hey! As of right now, you're suspended for 2 weeks.
Warrick: Grissom, you and I both know that Gedda killed that girl and pinned it on that bum. They gave him drugs, got him high, and planted the evidence. You just got to give me a chance to prove it.
Grissom: You've had all your chances. You take the suspension or you're fired.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation
Greg: Disposing of animals like this is illegal. Whoever dumped the vic must have known about the site from dumping dogs.
Nick: Yup. It looks like he's moving up the food chain.

TV Show: CSI - Crime Scene Investigation