CSI - NY Quotes

[Flack is holding up the cake-topper bride's head in a evidence bag]
Don Flack: Do you, Stella, take Veronica as a crazy with a motive?
Stella Bonasera: I do.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay Monroe: I'm just going to go check on..
Mac Taylor: No, you stay here, Lindsay.

TV Show: CSI - NY
[To a man in a blue party]
Lindsay Monroe: NYPD as in Blue, let's see what you make of that.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: Get outta here. Ya gotta have a Master's degree in Chemistry just to run drugs these days.

TV Show: CSI - NY
[Looking at a Macy's Day Nutcracker Balloon]
Mac Taylor: They build these balloons in sections and divide them into compartments.
Sheldon Hawkes: Yup, well, that would explain the limp arm.
Mac: The bullet's somewhere inside all that polyurethane. Thought you might wanna do the autopsy. For old times' sake.
Hawkes: (smiling) This job is never boring.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (to Flack) The cop who did this, I hope he goes away for a very long time, because he disgraced the badge we both wear.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Reed: (To Stella) Are you Claire Conrad?
Stella Bonasera: No
Mac: You mean Claire Conrad-Taylor?...She was my wife.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: Verna Welke?
Trina: Yes?
Stella: I've come for the alien?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: I think somebody's following me.
Detective Mac Taylor: What makes you think that?
Detective Stella Bonasera: I'm hearing footsteps and seeing shadows and glimpses of something or someone and - [sighs] Look, I know this sounds crazy but I really feel like I'm being watched.
Detective Mac Taylor: This is at your place?
Detective Stella Bonasera: No. No, actually it's, uh, as I go into work, twice on the subway, while I was shopping today.
Detective Mac Taylor: When did this start?
Detective Stella Bonasera: Uh, about a week ago. I first felt it when I dropped off your birthday gift at your place.
Detective Mac Taylor: Well, I'll assign a patrol unit. We'll have some guys outside your place.
Detective Stella Bonasera: No, no that's not necessary.
Detective Mac Taylor: [Mac's phone rings] Taylor. Okay. [He hangs up] A homocide on Lafayette. Come on, I'll drop you off at home, it's on the way.
Detective Stella Bonasera: Nah, no, it's okay. I wanna enjoy every last minute of my day off. Just telling you makes me feel a lot better, okay?
Detective Mac Taylor: Okay, I'll call ya.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheldon Hawkes: [about to perform an "autopsy" on a giant, inflated Nutcracker balloon] This job is never boring.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: I'm just asking questions, Don.
Detective Don Flack: No, you're not just asking questions, Mac. Come on, I know you. You wouldn't be here talking to me if you hadn't already tracked the chain of custody, checked with property, and called the DEA agents. And let me tell you something, cocaine from that raid wouldn't last six months on the street. So what is this? My interrogation?
Detective Mac Taylor: You're overreacting.
Detective Don Flack: Well maybe I am, but let me save you a little bit of time - none of my guys took a thing.
Detective Mac Taylor: You can't be sure of that. You weren't there. You just said you didn't remember.
Detective Don Flack: It didn't happen, Mac.
Detective Mac Taylor: You're listed on the DD5 as the recorder on the scene. You had to take everything down in your memo book - every detective who was there, who searched the room, who found the drugs.
Detective Don Flack: You askin' me for it?
Detective Mac Taylor: You can check your notes or you can let me do it.
Detective Don Flack: Is this official business?
Detective Mac Taylor: It's a request, from a friend.
Detective Don Flack: Then I'm gonna have to think about it.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: Hey guys.
Detective Stella Bonasera: Adam.
Adam Ross: Hey Danny, you remember that rust stuff you found in the alley?
Detective Danny Messer: Rust stuff? Rust stuff? You respect the time it took me to collect that, at least call it "trace."
Adam Ross: Okay. Contained traces of molasses and non-human blood. Bear blood to be exact.
Detective Stella Bonasera: What?
Adam Ross: North American Grizzly Bear. But, but there's more. The blood on this rock is a match to Cyrus Menlo, but it's also a match to the blood found on these leaves.
Detective Stella Bonasera: Both human blood, right?
Adam Ross: Right. [Holds the two leaves up]But you put them together like this and shazam.
Detective Danny Messer: You got one leaf - with a hole in the middle of it.
Adam Ross: A hole probably made from a spike or something with a jagged edge. Right, huh, you see where I'm going here?
Detective Stella Bonasera: Bear blood, molasses, leaves with human blood on them, a spike and a jagged edge, you're talking bear traps.
Adam Ross: Yes, you win the washer and dryer.
Detective Danny Messer: Whoa, whoa, whoa, help me out here. You're telling me Cyrus Menlo was caught in a bear trap?
Adam Ross: Yeah.
Detective Danny Messer: You're crazy.
Adam Ross: It's the only conclusion we can arrive at with this evidence.
Detective Danny Messer: So Tanaka sets the bear trap, leads Cyrus Menlo down the alley, Tanaka goes into the warehouse...
Adam Ross: - Bang bang, Tanaka gets shot. Cyrus walks out, steps in the trap while Tanaka bleeds to death inside the warehouse. Moral of the story, alright: stick with bowling. What up?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: Check this out. [He puts a slide under the microscope] Alright, look, look. It's a piece of the moon. A moon rock. Yeah, this rock is, is from the moon.
Detective Danny Messer: From the moon?
Adam Ross: Outer space.
Detective Danny Messer: Get outta here. Wow. How did a piece of the moon end up in the alley?
Adam Ross: I-I don't know. This stuff is illegal to have and somebody went through a lot of trouble to get it. I mean I've seen this stuff listed on eBay before, you know, and most of it isn't real, but if it is short of going to the moon they would have had to steal from NASA.
Detective Danny Messer: Something happened in that alley and I don't think it had anything to do with what happened in the warehouse.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: Don.
Detective Don Flack: Hey.
Detective Mac Taylor: You know why I'm here.
Detective Don Flack: Do you care about the consequences?
Detective Mac Taylor: I know this isn't easy for you.
Detective Don Flack: I'm not talking about me, Mac. I'm talking about the hundred of arrests this cop was involved in, the thugs who are going to be screaming for an appeal because his credibility's in question, and the ones who are going to go free despite the fact they're guilty and he did everything by the book. I'm talking about child molesters, rapists, murderers.
Detective Mac Taylor: Kym Tanaka's shooter stepped over his body and collected shell casings. He stuck his fingers into the victim's shoulder wound to retrieve a bullet all to save his own ass. He was there to sell drugs, poison, that destroys families, creates addicts out of babies in the womb, and accounts for twenty-three percent of the murders in this city. Don't make me subpena your memo book, Don. [Flack throws him the memo book. Mac walks away, stops, and turns back to Flack] The consequences I care about are the cops who never cross the line who now have to face critisim on suspicion because one of their own forgot the oath we took. Whichever one of these guys is found guilty I hope he goes away for a very long time because he disrespected the badge that you and I wear.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Julie Rollins: You have to understand, my husband died last year, Heather was all I had.
Mac Taylor: There is nothing about this that I understand.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheldon Hawkes: It took three high-risk surgeries practicing my profession to realize that I didn't want to be the one who would stand over somone when they took their last breath. So, I took a job at the ME's office. Because I thought that if God did have a last say in death, I could at least do something about it if they were taken too soon. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
Danny Messer: Hey, you're still a doctor, Sheldon.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (about his father) He spent the last eight months in bed on a feeding tube. Eventually, the medicine didn't do anything for the pain, so one day, he asked me...he begged me to end it for him. I couldn't do it.
Hawkes: You made the right choice.
[Mac looks unsure]

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: Didn't appreciate that, Matt. See, this here is a new pair of pants. And I don't get uniform allowance. So I suggest you make it up to me by makin' the rest of this very easy (Flack pats down Matt). Check out what Mr. Goodwrench had in his backpocket. Set of lockpick tools.
Matt: What can I say? I'm always losin' my apartment keys.
[Flack shoves his shoulder lightly]
Flack: Hey, what did I tell you 'bout makin' things easy?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam: There you are. I've been trying to reach you guys.
Danny: My phone drowned.
(Adam takes the phone and sniffs it)
Adam: Ahhh. Bean-O-Rama.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sid Hammerback: Mac, been meaning to ask. I'd like you to consider coming to our house for Thanksgiving this year. My daughter's coming in, cousins from Philly. We do a really nice job. I use a Collins scalpel to carve the bird, it gets the meat paper-thin.
Detective Mac Taylor: I appreciate the offer, Sid.
Dr. Sid Hammerback: Now you can't spend the holidays alone again. I'll drag you if I have to.
Detective Mac Taylor: You're gonna have to add some meat to that skinny frame of yours if you're gonna be making threats, and I was about to say I do have plans this year, thank you.
Dr. Sid Hammerback: [pause] Oh. I'm intrigued.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: What are you working on?
Adam Ross: Oh, just some trace that Sid found in the crease of our vic's mouth. Mac asked me to I.D. it.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: Mind if I take a look?
Adam Ross: Oh, please, knock yourself out.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: [Looks at the slide] Are you kidding me?
Adam Ross: It's krill. Pelagic, shrimp-like crustacean of the family Euphuasiid.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: How did it get in our vic's mouth?
Adam Ross: I'm working on that. See, krill is one of the main ingredients used in salt water fish food.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: There's an aquarium in the visitor's lounge at the hospital. Nice.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: [Rubbing his chest] Ow.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: You never went home last night, huh?
Detective Mac Taylor: Looks like you didn't, either.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: Hey, I've got two miles of bandages to go through. What's your excuse?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay Monroe: Nothing says Happy Birthday like a $60,000 car. You know, when I turned 16, I got my mom's used Pinto. I loved that car.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: And what was the kid's name?
Landlord: [Shrugs] Kid.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: They picked today for the stunt cos the conditions were perfect.
Danny: Yeah well there was a slight change in forecast, to cloudy, with a chance of birds.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Hawkes: This wasn't about Sweet 16, this was about outdoing the Jones'.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: You guys in position?
Flack: Yeah, we're ready.
Danny: (Let's the bird go) Houston, we have lift off.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: She opened a can of worms and found a snake.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (upset with an abusive dad) I'd give a year's pay to have two minutes alone in this room with you, but since that's not gonna happen, I'll just tell you this. You're gonna go to a place where you're never going to hurt Jesse again.

TV Show: CSI - NY