CSI - NY Quotes

Captain Stanton Gerrard: (To Stella) Seems you and Taylor got a knack for hiring high-tech geeks with a penchant for commiting felonies.
Danny Messer: Why don't we step outside, grandpa? I'll show you what kind of geek I am.
Stella: Danny, get the hell outta here. Now. (to the Captain) Let me tell you something. If you ever threaten a member of my team again I will make it my personal mission to have your badge. The crime scene is yours, Captain.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(After handing the case over to Captain Stanton Gerrard)
Stella: I hate the view from this side of the tape.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay Monroe: So now what do we do?
Danny: Scratch our asses while these guys decide Hawkes' fate.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(Looking at the back of a DVD in an 'adult entertainment' shop)
Danny: "Art of Whore. When a soldier's unit is taken by surprise..."
Stella: Danny...
Danny: What, you don't want me to ruin the ending for you?

TV Show: CSI - NY
(To Det. Angell, who is bent over a half-naked body)
Danny: We interrupting something, Detective?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: Lemme guess. Tom?
Peeking Tom: The man, the myth.
Stella Bonasera Detective Bonasera. The law, the order.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Peeking Tom: Freakin' junkies. I'm trying to run a reputable business here.
Danny: Reputable? You kiddin me?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Gina Mitchum: (to Mac) I speak with my hands. You speak with your eyes.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: I know I owe you an explaination. I can't tell you what's going on, not because I don't want to. Because I'm not sure I know myself.
Stella: You said you were the only one?
Lindsay: I survived a crime... a very uh, a terrible crime. Friends of mine were killed... (very sad) I could use a friend here, Stell.
Stella: You got one, kiddo.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (To Peyton) Look into my eyes because I need you to hear me. I can't promise I won't ever be hesitant ior cautious, but I am commited to making this work. trust me Peyton I dont want to lose you.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Hawkes: You want Gina to participate in the reconstruction? That would mean taking her home, back to the crime scene.
Mac: Gina heard every detail of that crime scene through her body, which makes her our best witness.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: You can talk to me off the record, you know that, right?
Lindsay: What do you want me to say?
Stella: You left the crime scene Lindsay, I mean, I covered for you, but...
Lindsay: Yeah, thanks.
Stella: Look, if you have a problem you should tell someone, I'm just trying to help.
Lindsay: Well don't, OK? Just leave me alone.
Stella: Clearly I made a mistake about trying to be your friend here, so I'll be your boss: when you're requested at a crime scene you show up and you do your job. Speaking of your job, I expect to see you at the autopsy this afternoon.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Gina Mitchum: [in sign language] You helped me. And I wish I could help you now.
Detective Mac Taylor: [normally] What... makes you think something's wrong?
Gina Mitchum: [in sign language] I speak with my hands. You speak with your eyes.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: Your husband is a lawyer. Did he have any enemies, or recent problems at work?
Officer Marty Santucci: [translating for Gina] My husband didn't kill Allison.
Detective Mac Taylor: That wasn't my question.
Officer Marty Santucci: [translating] You speak with your eyes.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheldon Hawkes: I guess our vic's outta the race.
Danny Messer: And he finished dead last!

TV Show: CSI - NY
(looking at a dead body in the lab)
Stella Bonasera: So we're possibly looking at New York City's best-dressed kidnapper.
Mac Taylor: And our kidnap victim is missing.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(after Dr. Sid Hammerback determines that the murder weapon is a foot)
Danny Messer: Right foot of a woman?
Dr. Sid Hammerback (surprised): Right... It is correct. And female would explain the traces of red nail polish I found in the wound.
Danny Messer: So our murder is a one-legged barefoot woman, who´s got serious kung-fu skills.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(talking to the secretary of a murdered suspect)
Mac Taylor: What was he doing during these four hours?
Secretary: I don´t know. Once a month he tells me to block out four or five hours like that, I never ask. I figured he´s seeing a shrink or something?
Mac Taylor(watching the secretary carefully): Did he need a shrink?
Secretary: Do I have to answer that? I mean, I really don't like talking badly about dead people.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(at the crime scene covered in snow)
Danny: Stop shivering like a girl, Adam. It's not even that cold out here.
Adam: (teeth chattering) I'm from Phoenix. 85 degrees is considered freezing.
Danny: Cupcake.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: The kids who found him claimed that their friend's football may have killed the man. [Stella and Mac both give him a look] I locked 'em up just for fun.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheldon Hawkes: Hey. I thought you'd left. You okay?
Lindsay Monroe: Yeah. Just, uh, tying up some loose ends. Have you seen Danny?
Hawkes: Yeah, he's out in the field.
Lindsay: (holding up a card) Could you, make sure that he sees this?
Hawkes: That's how you're going to tell him you're leaving? A card? At least call him. Give him a chance to say good-bye.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(about a skateboard being used as a weapon)
Danny Messer: My mother always told me those things were dangerous.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (enters his office to see Stella and Lindsay waiting for him) Something wrong?
Stella: Lindsay's gonna take off for a little while.
Mac: When?
Lindsay: I leave tomorrow for Montana. A couple of months ago I got a call from the Bozeman's prosecutors office. They apprehend a suspect who was wanted in a multiple homicide ten years ago. Four girls. They were uh... they were friends of mine. I was the only witness.
Mac: And the only survivor as I remember.
Stella: They want her to testify.
Lindsay: I still see their faces. My friends faces. The mothers' faces... I don't know what I'm more scared of. Standing in front of the monster who did this... or seeing those faces. (she gets up as Stella gives her a hug)
Stella: Hey, you take care of youself, kiddo.
Lindsay: Thanks.
Mac: (gives Lindsay a hug) You're tough, Lindsay. You'll pull through this.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: What would a woman be doing in the men's bathroom?
Detective Don Flack: I can think of several reasons. All with happier endings.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: Are we looking at a hate crime here?
Dr. Sid Hammerback: Transgendered showgirl drowned in a public toilet - sound like love to you?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Skateboard Shop Clerk: Those are collector's items!
Detective Danny Messer: And we're collecting them.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: I think we just found our prime suspect.
Don Flack: I love this job.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: Did the camera malfunction?
Danny: Either that or 5th Avenue's haunted.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Reed: (sadly) I'd like to know where my mom's buried.
Mac: She wasn't. Her body was never found. No trace at all. But they're . . . we're still looking.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (thinking) Will you walk into my parlor?
Hawkes: Said the spider to the fly.

TV Show: CSI - NY