CSI - NY Quotes

Angel: (about their suspect) Security claims they got her on camera, stealing men's clothing.
Danny: She's keeping busy. Maybe she's stealling for her boyfriend too.
Stella: Well, she's stealing a number of items in a variety of sizes.
Angel: Than she's not just stealing for two.
Danny: Probably fencing the stuff.
Angell: This is not pawn shop goods she's taking down. These are exclusive items.
Stella: For an exclusive clientele... she's a personal shop-lifter.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: (holding a stolen purse) Hey Stell? You think this thing could be worth twenty five thou?
Stella: If you buy in retail, add another two-grand for sales tax.
Danny: Sickening. For that kinda scratch, I could buy a brand new Harley and have some change in my pocket afterwards.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: So did our vic surprise a shoplifter?
Detective Danny Messer: Shoplifter surprised him with a bullet.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: [Noticing Reed walking into his office] Reed.
Reed Garrett: [Walking into Mac's office] Mac, um, I told them I was family.
Detective Mac Taylor: [Walking over to Reed] You okay? What's Wrong?
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] I knew Brian Miller, the kid you found in the maze. We worked on the college paper together. We were friends.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] I'm sorry. Look, I can't say much about the case right now.
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] I get it, I just, I wanna tell you what i know.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] Okay.
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] Um, well he's under more stress than the usual,you know? He was spending all his free time writing, writing this piece for the college paper, he's been writing it for the last year and a half. He said that it was his Watergate, You know? It was something that was gonna put him on the map.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] Sit down. So uh, do you know what this article was about?
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] It was about kings and shadows.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] What's that?
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] A rumor, it's a society that exists on campus. Like a fraternity. Minus the keggers and the pranks yeah, it's really, it's dark stuff.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] So it's like a cult?
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] Yeah, written by blue bloods,you know? At least that's what people believed. Brian said he was, that he was gonna get inside. He was gonna expose all their secrets. He said that the article was gonna piss off a lot of people.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] Did you ever read what he wrote?
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] He wasn't finished.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] And you think someone wanted to m

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: Turns out our suspect is not as spooky as she wants us to believe. I mean, come on, if this was a real ectoplasm, what's it doing shopping? Unless it's, like, the spirit of Imelda Marcos, but I don't even think she's dead.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sid Hammerback: [Pulling something out from inside the victim's neck] A prize in every box.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: Absynthe spoon, a branding, a brutal beat down.
Dr. Sid Hammerback: I'll take Cult Rituals for two-hundred.
Detective Mac Taylor: I don't think so. Kid doesn't look the part. We have reason to believe he went to Chelsea University. [pause] What is a fraternity hazing gone bad?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: [Finding out a pen was filled with blood instead of ink] Who writes in blood?
Adam Ross: Lawyers, college loan administrators...

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: [Watching survelliance of the suspect] I can tell she's got a bully in her life. Check that out. Look how she flinched when a customer raised his hand.
Detective Danny Messer: Could be too much coffee.
Detective Stella Bonasera: Or a sign of abuse, and withdrawal like that is a classic symptom of PTSD.
Detective Danny Messer: [to Adam] How'd you know that?
Adam Ross: Huh, uh, uh, my, uh, my dad was a bully.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Peyton: Your vic died of a broken heart...cardiomyopathy, most common in women in very passionate relationships.
Mac: I'll be very careful.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: Thought you had the night off.
Mac: My dinner date dumped me for a dead body.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(about their victim in the tub)
Danny: So she comes in, drinks some champagne and takes a bath.
Peyton: Just like the fairy tale.
Mac: Only this Goldilocks isn't sleeping. She's dead.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Det. Jessica Angell: Did it sound like it came from the apartment across the hall?
Elliott Bevins: I assumed it didn't.
Detective Danny Messer: Why would you assume that?
Elliott Bevins: Because I know my neighbor is out of town. He's in Boston.
Detective Danny Messer: So you know D.J. Melvoy?
Elliott Bevins: No.
Det. Jessica Angell: But you just said he was in Boston.
Elliott Bevins: No, I said my neighbor is in Boston.
Detective Danny Messer: Yeah, D.J. Melvoy.
Elliott Bevins: No.
Detective Danny Messer: Whoa, whoa, who's on first here, huh? What's the name of the guy that lives across from you?
Elliott Bevins: Justin McKinney.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: I thought this was your night off.
Detective Mac Taylor: [referring to Peyton at another crime scene] My dinner date dumped me for a dead body.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(Victim is covered in money)
Danny Messer: I think we can rule out robbery...

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: Well, Noah was taking these people for a ride, but it wasn't on the Ark. His flock all tested negative for GSR, and they've asked me if they can get back on the good ship looney- tunes before Sunday, because that's when the world's ending. I told them they could re-board when the crime scene's clear, but what I really want to do is throw them all in the shower and then a rubber room.
Mac: They're not crazy.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: It just happened. I was putting a piece of bloody glass into an evidence bag. It was still wet. It just broke, cut me. (quick flashback to cutting her arm) I had no idea at the time that Emery Gable was HIV-positive.
Mac: Stella, why didn't you tell me?
Stella: I thought I could handle it on my own. I'm scared, Mac, I know there are a lot of people living with AIDS, and I just... I don't think I have the strength to do that. I don't think I'm brave enough to wait for a cure.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: What have we got?
Detective Stella Bonasera: A woman says she saw, what she claims was, a giant cigarette on fire, running for its life.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: Okay, let's just say it now to get it over with: smoking kills.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: Yeah, but who killed him?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Melodee Constanza: He's dead?
Detective Danny Messer: Yeah, he's dead.
Melodee Constanza: You sure about that?
Detective Danny Messer: Very sure.
Melodee Constanza: You just made my whole day. No, my year.
Detective Danny Messer: Oh, well I'm glad to help

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella Bonasera: They say burning is the most painful of deaths.
Danny Messer: I love that. How do they know? What'd they take a poll? '64% of dead people surveyed ...'

TV Show: CSI - NY
Luke Blade: [talking about his next "trick"] And most importantly, it has be performed by a highly pissed off professional!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid Hammerback: (looking at the body of their vic, who was sawed in half) Do I even need to state the cause of death?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: Go with your instincts.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: (hands Danny a lighter) You want to do the honors?
Danny Messer: Are you lighting your arm on fire in the name of science?
Mac Taylor: What other job allows you to set your boss on fire? Going once, going twice...
Danny Messer: (takes the lighter) Sold, but if you go up in flames, I get your office?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: You think Houdini knew the impact he would have on Mafia lingo?
Sheldon Hawkes: I'm sorry?
Don Flack: When they whack somebody, they say, "we made him do a Houdini". Do you think that would make him proud?
Sheldon Hawkes: Are we actually having this conversation?
Don Flack: Oh, I'm sorry. Can you explain the difference between DNA and RNA? Is that better, 'cause that's scintillating conversation right there.
Sheldon Hawkes: It would be if you knew the answer-
Rupert Flannigan: This is what your looking for, it has all three items you showed me in those photographs. You better return this though, it's a collector's item. I don't want to find out you two pulled a Houdini on me.
(Don walks away smirking)

TV Show: CSI - NY
(hallucinates seeing Lindsay Monroe walking towards him and realizes it is not her)
Danny Messer: I'm losing my mind.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(about their cut up victim)
Stella: She was alive when he cut her in half.
Mac: Something tells me this girl wasn't a volunteer from the audience.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: That's impressive. It's not a butterfly, but it's impressive.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Luke Blade: [to Mac and Danny] If that's all detectives, I'm gonna go light myself on fire.

TV Show: CSI - NY