CSI - NY Quotes

Detective Danny Messer: [throws his hands in the air] Why do I even bother if you already know the answer Mac?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: Yeah, and nothing says "I love you back" like an order of protection.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(as the look around the wine cellar)
Danny: Since when do you know so much about wine, Montana?
Lindsay Monroe: We're more than beer and buffalo burgers, Messer.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay Monroe: I think Danny's favorite wine is the house Chianti.
Danny Messer: See, that's where you're wrong. My favourite wine is beer.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny Messer: [explaining his theory about what happened] Then he was screwed to death.
Don Flack: 6.5, Mess. Little shaky on the landing.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(in reference to the jeweled pet)
Lindsay: I mean, isn't the cockroach kind of the unofficial mascot of New York?
Danny: Very funny, take it easy there, Montana.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: Get outta here, these are real stones?
Detective Lindsay Monroe: Uh huh, and I'm thinking this chain was attached, which makes this roach jewelry, or a pet, or a jeweled pet.
Detective Danny Messer: Or roach-broche.
Detective Lindsay Monroe: Hey, it could be the next big thing.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: It's not illegal to be a sociopath.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Luther Vandeross: I can certainly answer any of your questions or write them down and have Evie respond by e-mail.
Det. Don Flack: That's not how this works. See, we're old school. We're all old light bulbs and cold concrete rooms.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: So this is where they store the million-dollar grape juice, huh?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: [Shocked] You killed him for a cockroach?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella Bonasera: Planning your fantasy death is the ultimate finale to life.
Don Flack: Yeah, but we're talking about an ice pick to the brain, Stella. I think you might be romanticizing.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: Somebody kissed his ring. Lipstick kiss.
Flack: Maybe our Lancelot had a rendezvous with Guinevere at the park?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: You ready for the answer?
Stella: Whatever the outcome, I am bound and determined to live every day to the fullest.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Peyton: (about the victim being alive) I'm the one who pronounced him dead.
Mac: Based on what?
Peyton: Based on eight years of training and eight more years on the job. I haven't forgotten how to tell if a victim is alive or dead, Mac!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: He took a genetics course of yours last year.
Quinn Brookman: I've had a lot of students.
Detective Mac Taylor: But only one of them helped you steal a body.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: I'm so glad that figuring this stuff out, is your job.

TV Show: CSI - NY
J.J. Huntsville: She was mostly in the shadows. She had great legs though. And the outfit she had on could fit in a martini glass.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: The way I feel has never affected the way I do my job.
Don Flack: My weakness, I guess. Every hood Truby ever collared is going to be angling for a get-out-of-jail-free pass. Clay Dobson was just the first in line.
Mac: You having a good time, saying I told you so?
Flack: No.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (looking around the work firm) Nice place, Dobson, looks like your father's doing quite well for himself.
Clay Dobson: Detective Taylor, I was just about to send you a fruit basket. You're the reason I'm out of jail, indirectly, of course. If you're looking for an architect, I think we might be a little out of your price range.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: I'm gonna head out to Brighton Beach, 'cause one of the guys who got busted with Scott Colson owns a Russian food joint, called Sokov's.
Lindsay: If the guy took his chances running with the Russian mob, maybe his past finally caught up with him.
Danny: Da! (as Lindsay laughs)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: I thought lock and key parties went out in the seventies.
Detective Don Flack: Apparently they've had resurgence. Who knew?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Rene Vanderfeld: Don't be shy. Everybody's a bit nervous their first time out.
Detective Stella Bonasera: Actually we're not here to participate.
Rene Vanderfeld: [looking suggestively at Stella] That's our loss.
Detective Don Flack: We're NYPD.
Rene Vanderfeld: I'm so sorry! That's right, you called earlier. I was expecting big burly men with guns.
Detective Don Flack: If you'd focused your attention in my direction, you might see one.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Yuri Sokov: I'm an American citizen.
Detective Danny Messer: With a rap sheet as long as the Constitution.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: You let a lady walk home drunk? What a gentleman you are.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(Lindsay walks in and finds Sheldon and Adam writing on a glass board to calculate the exact place from where a victim plunged to his death.)
Lindsay: Aw, yuck. Trigonometry.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: You know, Mac... the uh, the Department decides to go through with their internal investigation, I'm gonna have to answer questions. All I know is what you told me when I got up to the top.
Mac Taylor: Like I told the DA, I did not toss Clay Dobson off that roof. This investigation is nothing but a big political show.
Flack: Yeah, regardless, the media's soaking the story up, and by the time they're done with it, your word may not be good enough, Mac.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: What about this website? It's encouraging kids to hurt themselves. That can't be legal.
Mac: Contests aren't against the law. Neither is stupidity or bad judgement.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(about the fallen-angel victim)
Flack: No ID on the vic. Could be a Michael or Gabriel. They say it's tough to make it in Manhattan. Heaven must be brutal.
Mac: Yeah.
Flack: Still checking Missing Persons and Nostradamus.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: I was just wondering. When you were making all those arrests, locking up bad guys, were you imagining a day when you'd be so busy kissing the Chief of Detective's ass you wouldn't remember what it was like to be a cop?
Insp. Stanton Gerrard: You son of a bitch. I don't deserve that. You know I'm here because...
Detective Mac Taylor: You don't have to explain it Inspector, I get it. You're just a puppet. I'll take my case to the badge that pulls the strings.

TV Show: CSI - NY