CSI - NY Quotes

Danny Messer: Why do we do what we do, huh?
Don Flack: What do you mean?
Danny: Why do we wake up in the morning at three o'clock, stand at a crime scene in the freezing cold, living paycheck-to-paycheck, for what? To protect and serve? Serve who, the public? Sometimes it seems like they hate us, and then, here we got the brass ready to throw us to the lions.
Flack: (shrugs) We do it cause we're good at it. Maybe we'd be lousy at anything else. I don't know. Maybe we do it for the one or two times somebody actually thanks us for finding their son's murderer.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny Messer: It's nice, ain't it though? Bein' cooperative?
John McEnroe: [shrugs] It ain't bad.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Det. Don Flack: Did you just walk out?
Det. Mac Taylor: Apparently I'm the kind of person who just does whatever he wants, why disappoint them?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Det. Mac Taylor: [smirks] You know, I think I'm getting the hang of this politics stuff.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Det. Mac Taylor: Do you remember your first collar?
Detective Stella Bonasera: Oh, yeah. [Stella snickers] A shoplifter on 43rd and Eigth Avenue. This guy took one of those "I Love New York" t-shirts from the souvenir shop. It was the proudest moment in my life. [Stella laughs] Two days later, I arrested him again in the same store.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Clay Dobson: I cut off their eyelids. So they'd have to look at me while they died! Okay?
Det. Mac Taylor: Now you're going to look at me when you die.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: I'm sorry.
Danny: What are you sorry about?
Lindsay: You're not supposed to be here. You took my shift.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: I'm not used to lookin' down on the barrel of an AK-47, but I'll be all right.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: I dreamt that I woke up and you were gone. You left a note.
Danny: Where would I go? This is my place.
Lindsay: (giggling) I was hoping for a better answer.
Danny: Just kidding. I'm glad this happened. (kisses her forehead)
Lindsay: Me, too. (kisses his chest)

TV Show: CSI - NY
(to the bad guy tied to the chair)
Mac: It's simple. If you find someway to get out of that tape, or someone tries to save you, they trip these lasers which set off the pipe bomb rigged to that hydrogen tank over there. That's enough explosive to kill you, and make the cleaning crew very unhappy.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(as she's inviting Mac to London with tickets ready)
Peyton: Mac, I was thinking with everything you've been going through and because you adore me, and you do adore me, that you could take some of the seven weeks of vacation and come with me to London.
Mac: You've bought the ticket?
Peyton: (eagerly) I really want you to say yes.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(as they are playing pool)
Danny: There's no way you're gonna make this shot, Montana.
Lindsay: A Benjamin says I do. (makes the shot) You owe me $100.00
Danny: You know what? You're gonna have to wait 'til payday.
Lindsay: No. You either pay me now, or come up with something better.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: [voiceover] Montana, don't freak out. Although I'm sure you already have. We're trading shifts. Enjoy your snow day.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: Hey Mac, where're you going?
Detective Mac Taylor: London.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Peyton Driscoll: [after inviting Mac to go with her on a trip] But Mac, I was thinking with everything you've been going through and because you adore me, and you do adore me, that you could take some of the seven weeks of vacation and come with me to London.
Detective Mac Taylor: You've bought the ticket?
Dr. Peyton Driscoll: [whispering] I really want you to say yes.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: They belong to the gang we took down this morning. They're here for their coke.
Detective Stella Bonasera: What are we gonna do?
Detective Mac Taylor: Stop 'em!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: [Don Flack is about to shoot two masked men whose hands are duct taped to a gun. He doesn't realize that they are cops] No no no! Don't shoot them! Don't, they're cops, see... they're cops... do you see them?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: (answering phone) Adam Ross.
Lindsay Monroe: Hi. I'm calling from the office of unemployment.
Adam Ross: Oh, Lindsay, hey.
Lindsay Monroe: Word is that Danny's is looking to hire some socially-awkward scientists.
Adam Ross: I'm...I'm halfway there already, okay?
Lindsay Monroe: It's a big case, Adam, it's the Statue of Liberty, it's all over the news. We've got lot to do. This is top priority and Mac is back in town. Get your sorry little ass to work.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheldon Hawkes: What about the trace I collected from her arm?
Lindsay Monroe: Latex. More specifically, condom spray.
Danny Messer: (Amused) 'Scuse me? What? I didn't catch that.
Lindsay Monroe: Liquid rubber (Holds the spray can, smiling) German engineering at its finest.
Sheldon Hawkes: I'm not sure I understand.
Lindsay Monroe: Well, allow me to demonstrate (Grabs a big test-tube) Contrary to what you might have heard, science definitely does matter (Starts spraying the content of the can on the test-tube) Simply, apply like so. Allow a few moments for maximum drying time and... Boom! Instant condom. (Hands test tube to Danny)
Sheldon Hawkes: Are you serious? A spray-on condom?
Danny Messer: What... Where does the... The... (Points at the top of the test-tube) Now how... Never mind.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: That's how I roll. What up?!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam: Kendall! Hey..uh..wake up..uh, we're late for work. We gotta, we gotta get up, we're late for work.
Kendall: (waking to see they are both in their underwear) Did we?...We didn't...?
Adam: Oh! No, no, no. I mean, I...uh..I wish it was yes, yes, yes but sadly, no.
Kendall: (rolling over) Okay. Hmmm, ten more minutes.
Adam Ross: No, no, no. No more minutes. Okay, come on, let's go. Up, up. Yes, let's go. Ooh. (pulling her from the couch) Must fight crime.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(while doing a reconstruction of the shooting w/ Danny behind her)
Lindsay: Definitely, could have gone through the love handles. (smiles and pinches his stomach)
Danny: That's too low, wise-ass.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Nova Kent: I lost that music box about a year ago.
Danny: Are you kidding me? You can't come up with a better lie than that?
Nova Kent: I move a lot, four different places in the past year. I've given up junk, throw things away.
Stella: You specifically requested that the music box played Mozart's first menuet. It seems strange that something with that kind of sentimental value would be thrown away.
Nova Kent: Yeah well, I cried for three days when I realized it was gone.
Danny: You're killing me right now.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny Messer: My mother was so pissed off, she didn't talk to me for a week... It was kind of a peaceful week.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(as Hawkes is getting treated for his injuries)
Danny: So is it true what they say?
Hawkes: What's that?
Danny: Did your life pass right before your eyes?
Hawkes: I could only think of one thing the whole time I was down there.
Danny: What? Was it your first kiss?
Hawkes: (holding his ribs) Don't make me laugh.
Danny: What?
Hawkes: Sid Hammerback. I was in his lab, lying on an autopsy table. Sid was standing over me, firing up the bone spreader.
Danny: That's morbid.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: What happened down there? I got a call from Dispatch saying there was some kind of problem. I got here as fast as I could.
Danny: Some methane bubbles caused an explosion. Hawkes got caught underneath the ship's mast.
Flack: Some guys would do anything for an early retirement.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: Our vic's this way. Floater, showed up in the middle of the sailboat race between New York and New Jersey.
Danny: I read about that. It's a reenactment of a race that happened back in the 1600s.
Mac: Yeah. Legend has it the winner got possession of Staten Island
Flack: Is it too late to give it back?
Danny: Yeah, very funny, Flack!

TV Show: CSI - NY
(on a dive boat, in the East River)
Danny: (as he gears up to go into the water) A graveyard for subways? What happened, they run out of landfill or what?
Mac: (laughs a little) Cheaper to sink ‘em then scrap ‘em.
Sheldon: And the subway reefs provide a marine life sanctuary.
Danny: Yeah, well screw the fish. Hope it provides us with a crime scene.
Mac: Holden surfaced right here in the harbor. We’re here. Subway reef is right under us. And we’re gonna focus on the old Redbird transit cars. They’re the ones that contain asbestos. It’s dark down there. We got tidal currents, rocks and reefs to deal with.
Danny: Let’s look on the bright side. We’re not gonna worry about sharks.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny Messer: Montana, hold up.
Lindsay Monroe: What's up?
Danny Messer: Evidence is coming in on the James Stanton murder, and we have a date with it.
Lindsay Monroe: We got the car?
Danny Messer: You make the coffee. I'll go get the Batmobile

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny Messer: Speed Racer's Mach 5 does not come close to the Batmobile. End of story.
Lindsay Monroe: Are you kidding me? The Mach-5 had submersible capabilitites and a robotic homing pigeon.
Danny Messer: Yeah, so did the Batmobile. Along with rocket boosters and armor plating.
Lindsay Monroe: Mach-5: Rotary saw.
Danny Messer: All right, Montana. Did Speed Racer's Mach-5 have a field forensics kit?
Lindsay Monroe: The Batmobile did not have a field forensics kit.
Danny Messer: In the Batmobile's trunk, it did.
Lindsay Monroe: That explains so much.

TV Show: CSI - NY