CSI - NY Quotes

Danny Messer: (laughing) Oh, how is the new girlfriend?
Don Flack: Keep walking, Messer.
Danny Messer: No, seriously, where did you meet her?
Don Flack: Met her at a charity event. Police/fire hockey game.
Danny Messer: So she's got teeth, or...?
Don Flack: Move!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: What the hell kinda car are you?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sinclair: (to Flack) You know, the NYPD has a strict policy against high-speed chases. Or did you forget that?
Flack: No, sir.
Sinclair: The next time you want to run up a $60 cab fare, you do that on your own time. You’re lucky no one got hurt.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheldon Hawkes: In theory, if you built a machine that could travel the speed of light away from here, then slowed down, turned around and flew home just as fast, when you got back, a trip that might have lasted just seconds for you, could've been weeks for everybody else.
Don Flack: Kinda like your explanation.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Witness: Can I have your number?
Det. Jessica Angell: Why, are you in trouble?
Witness: No, but I'd like to be.
(scene shift to Danny and Stella listening to Angell)
Danny: So did you give him your number?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: I dunno. If I could go anywhere back in time, I'd probably go back to my folks' place in Queens for my mom's corn beef Wednesdays. Yeah, I'd endure every one of my brothers' insults for one more taste of that paradise.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: (about the evidence) Turns out it's an experimental sexual enhancement drug, only available in clinical trials.
Danny: Don't look at me, I don't need it.
Stella: You're too old anyway. It's currently being tested on students at Chelsea University's health center.
Danny: Argh, it's like throwing gas on a raging hormonal fire.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Kevin Murray: At least tell me what he said?
Mac: What who said?
Kevin Murray: The guy about me dying tomorrow.
Mac: Well, I’m sorry, that’s part of an ongoing investigation.
Kevin Murray: This morning you said he’d been to the future. Did he say how or where or when I’d be killed?
Mac: Again, unless you have some information to share that might shed some light on our victim, I don’t see what else we can do for you.
Kevin Murray: How about guaranteeing me I’m still alive in 24 hours!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Amber Stanton: (during her interrogation) Whenever I see a useless piece of human trash walk away without consequence, I feel violated again... Bentley was smiling... Kaplan was going about his life as if nothing had happened...
Mac: So you became a predator? A killer?
Amber Stanton: I think of myself as an arbiter of justice.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: (holding an empty box) Where are the shoes that were in this box?
Amber Stanton: They're gone. I threw them away.
Lindsay: You threw away a pair of four-hundred dollars shoes?
Amber Stanton: Is that against the law? Why do you bother? Mitchell Bentley was a piece of garbage.
Lindsay: You just don’t get it, do you? It doesn’t matter who the victim is. It’s the killer we’re after.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Hawkes: Crime of passion?
Mac: That's one possibility. Or... she's the inside guy? They planned this robbery together, but before she got her cut...her partner double-crossed her.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: (skeptical) Nick, I've had guys in here blame their criminal behavior on wives, bosses, even the devil. But I gotta tell ya, this is a new one. You're telling me you were driven to this by a shiny red light?

TV Show: CSI - NY
(about Stella receiving a parachute as a gift)
Mac: There are safer ways to beat the traffic.
Stella: Oh, traffic I can handle. Men are another story.
Mac: What is it?
Stella: (opening an envelope) Hmm. Gift certificate for a skydiving lesson. Met this guy in an antique store and then bumped into him again... at a coffee stand. And suddenly he wants... to hold hands at 10,000 feet. So he sent me a parachute.
Mac: Original and daring.
Stella: And a bit too aggressive for me. What?
Mac: You were smiling when you opened the box.
Stella: (chuckles a little) Mac, my last boyfriend tried to kill me and I shot him.
Mac: Well, maybe this guy’s a little different. Why don’t you just run him through NYSPIN?
Stella: Actually, I already did. There are three Drew Bedfords in the city. One is 96 and lives in a rest home. The other is in juvie for painting boobs on a billboard. And my original endearing friend is, uh, squeaky clean.
Mac: You and I are alike in a lot of ways. We both do everything we can to avoid this sort of thing. Sometimes you just gotta take the plunge.
Stella: So you’re telling me to fall for all this?
Mac: Stella, Peyton pursued me. I never thought I’d enjoy another relationship either. Forget about all the risks of romance and enjoy the rewards.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: Must've been a hell of a pickle.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: [Laughs] Well, Detective Angell just got me a court order to pull all the patient files and talk to the students directly. I’m hoping that this will give us an I.D. on the perp.
Danny: Fantastic. We got horny college kids and horny mammals. You wanna trade?
Stella: Mammals?
Danny: Prehistoric, to be exact.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: Double-click on that template. Now, male or female?
(Mac Taylor looks at him, eyebrows raised)
Adam Ross: This is fantasy, be all you can be!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam Ross: (Fighting warriors in Second Life) Who's your daddy?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: (Speaking for his female avatar) Hi. I like the name. (pause) I love waterfalls, don't you?
Stella Bonasera: (Laughing) Oh, my God.
Mac Taylor: What?
Stella Bonasera: You have no game whatsoever.
Mac Taylor: Look, I don't need a backseat avatar.
Stella: All right, then move over. Come on. Before your suspect bails. (takes the headset in his place on the game) Hey, Don. Sorry about that. I was, uh, distracted by a phone call. My name’s Taylor. What do you say we get outta here and go for a walk?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam: (showing Mac how to use Second Life) Boss, if you go in-world looking like Joe Boring you're gonna get flagged as a newbie. Let me get in here real quick. Check this out. Hip do, a little custom skin. Cool coat. All right. Check it out. Now you're ready to roll in-world.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: (walking into Stella's office and sees a gift on her desk) Only 61 days until Christmas, although it looks like you’ve already gotten some gifts.
Stella: Uh, yeah. It’s getting embarrassing. This guy I met a couple of weeks ago. He’s extremely persistent. Last week it was a parachute. This week it’s rock climbing gear.
Lindsay: (smiling) Sounds like Mr. Adventure wants to get physical.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: I hate zombies.
Stella: Yeah, they spoil all the fun, don't they?

TV Show: CSI - NY
[Danny interrogates a man who accidentally shot his sister as a boy, and an entire family years later.]
Danny Messer: You're the one that killed that family, not the Devil.
Suspect: You're wrong. The Devil did kill them. And he came to me the night my sister died. I just didn't know enough not to let him in.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheriff Benson: All I'm saying is people come to town and get caught up in the folklore.
Lindsay Monroe: Do we look like we're here buying postcards?

TV Show: CSI - NY
(while working the late-late shift in the cemetery)
Grave Digger #1: Smallpox, Yellow Fever, influenza. She had the Bubonic Plague.
Grave Digger #2: (digging) What are you talking about, Pops?
Grave Digger #1: Long ago when several coffins were excavated and scratches were found inside, our ancestors, they realized they’d been burying (snickering) folks before their time. No kiddin’. Back then, when the plagues hit, guys like you and me, we couldn’t dig fast enough.
Grave Digger #2: (not believing) Come on!
Grave Digger #1: Saved by the bell doesn’t mean what you think. Morticians would tie a string to the hand of the dead person and take the other end of the string and tie it to a bell, aboveground. And immediately after the, uh, burial, a person from the mortuary would be assigned the task to sit by the new gravesite and listen for the bell to ring. (laughs) That was called the graveyard shift.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sheriff Benson: (about the crime scene) This one’s gonna be covered differently.
Danny: Why is that?
Sheriff Benson: Thirty-one years ago the former owner, Bill Willens shot himself in this house. Two days later, his daughter disappeared. Bill’s wife, Betty, claims her husband was hearing voices. He told people the house was possessed by evil spirits.
Lindsay: Just like The Amityville Horror.
Sheriff Benson: All I know is the folks inside this house were good people. For Gil Duncan to shoot his family, commit suicide... there’s gotta be an explanation other than ghosts made him do it.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: So Stella told me your mysterious caller disappeared.
Mac: Haven’t got a call at 3: 33 a.m. in over a week.
Flack: Maybe your guy decided it was time to stop stalking you.
Mac: Maybe he’s getting ready to take it to the next level.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sid Hammerback: He was dead before he was killed. Happy Halloween.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: Four older brothers and a Detective-Sergeant for a father. Your old man dust you for prints when you got home from a date?
Jess Angell: If it was up to them, I wouldn't have knows boys existed until I was 21.
Don Flack: I'm sure the boys knew you existed.
Jess Angell: (pauses and smiles) Was that a line, Flack? Did you just bust out your game on me?
Don Flack: (looks away, grinning) What?
Jess Angell: It was, wasn't it? Look at you, you're blushing! (laughs)
Don Flack: My game. Game, what game? I don't have a game. If I did, that's probably as good as it gets.
Jess Angell: I think it was pretty good.
Amber Stanton: (appearing by the car) Detectives. Oh. I’m not interrupting anything, am I? (suddenly getting in the backseet of the car) You two have been trailing me for the last couple of hours. Now, if you’re going to follow me, you may as well have a copy of my itinerary. We’ve got lunch at Stang’s in, oh, fifteen minutes. That might be a bit expensive on your boyfriend’s salary. The rest of the day is here. Saks, Bloomingdale’s. I’ve got a meeting at four in the office. You get the idea and, um, I jotted down my cell phone in case you have trouble keeping up. Have a nice day. (gets out out of the car & walks away)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: You know, Lindsay, I don't think these lollipops are lollipops. (tests one) Heroin.
Lindsay: Well, that changes everything.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: So these guys are mailing the money somewhere.
Sheldon: Smart move. Not keeping the cash on them or in the apartment.
Angell: If you raise the ink from the pouch, maybe we can get an address.
Danny: Oh, what? You doing science now?

TV Show: CSI - NY