CSI - NY Quotes

Patti Nelson: (about Jenna Donovan) I didn’t kill her.
Flack: Patti, come on. These magic lollipops are like the hot new thing.
Patti Nelson: Look, I told you. I am sorry she’s dead, but those lollipops aren’t worth killing for.
Flack: Listen to me, I already got you on possession of heroin. Just a hop, skip and a jump to murder if I work this right, and for your information, I’m very good. Especially since Jenna’s dead body shows us that she was in one hell of a fight right before that party.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: (walking into the lab with Stella) Our vic’s body couldn’t help but remind me of my Great-Uncle Andy.
Stella: Oh, hearing that is enough to make any model break into tears.
Sid: (chuckling) Oh, no, there’s no physical resemblance, although he was in freakishly superior shape for an octogenarian. But no, what I mean is Uncle Andy would never finish telling a story. Every time you thought he was done, he’d find something more to say.

TV Show: CSI - NY
George Foodim: After hitting a few bars, I went back to Brett's apartment and that's when I found him. I started to call the cops, right? But it’s not like there was anything I could do. He was already dead. I had to get him to the park.
Flack: Uh, y-you’re gonna have to help us out here, pal. Why did you have to get Brett to the park?
George Foodim: It was a bet. He was engaged twice before, couldn’t go through with it. I bet our buddy Toby that Brett would definitely show up this time. There was no way I was gonna lose.
Mac: Whoa, whoa. You stuffed, dressed and moved your dead friend for a bet?
George Foodim: It was a hundred grand, man. I...I don't have it. And if I didn't pay up, Toby would have gone to my dad.
Det. Flack: It never occurred to you, with your friend being dead and all, that just maybe the bet was off?
George Foodim: I told you.
Flack: Yeah. Fifteen shots of tequila. I heard you.
George Foodim: Yeah, well it made... made sense yesterday morning. I feel bad. If you knew Brett, Brett, (laughs a bit) Yeah, I mean, he, he would’ve laughed. He would’ve done the same thing, I’m telling you.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: (charging into his office) What the hell were you thinking, Drew?! I mean, this was not cute or funny or the least bit charming. I told you, I didn’t want you to send me any more gifts, and I thought I made it perfectly clear that I was not interested. And then you put this box on my truck? I called the bomb squad, Drew.
Drew: It's not from me, Stella. Look, every gift I sent to your office was with a card. You know, there was a theme going on, in case you hadn't noticed. A puzzle doesn’t exactly say 'take a risk'.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam: (walks into the room to see Danny smiling) What are you so happy about?
Danny: I figured out what killed my groom.
Adam: Was it the mother-in-law?
Danny: Hahaha, no! It was a missing wedding gift.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: (showing Sheldon and Danny the cell phone that was pulled from the vic) My first dead ringer. (Danny laughs a bit)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: So the Hatfields and the McCoys couldn't keep it together long enough to merge the family fortunes.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: So the neighbors were very helpful. They saw nothing, heard nothing and know nothing. Welcome to my life.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: That's the Riverton building. That was my first crime scene.
Adam Ross: No way.
Detective Mac Taylor: This way my first New York apartment. This to scale?
Adam Ross: Uh, y-yeah. As-as far as I can tell.
Detective Mac Taylor: This high-rise should be much taller in relation to the Chrysler Building.
Adam Ross: How could you possibly know that?
Detective Mac Taylor: I got engaged on that roof. This puzzle's about my life.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: He holds Mac responsible for losing someone in his family.
Lindsay: So what? Now he wants Mac to lose someone in his family?
Stella: Yeah. One of us.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Det. Renee Brennen: What made you think you’d find anything at all? You specifically asked to visit an unoccupied floor. You flashed your badge, said it was police business. Now, it doesn’t sound to me like you were looking for office space.
Mac: I was sent here. I don’t know why or by whom, and I don’t know who the victim hanging from that ceiling is or how it connects to me.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: A little out of your jurisdiction, aren't ya?
Mac: When you called me, I thought you were in New York.
Flack: Sneaky like that. Plus it made it easier to find you.
Mac: Sinclair?
Flack: Yeah. He doesn’t like to be embarrassed, Mac. So I got the rundown from Detective Brennan. Don’t you wanna tell me what this is really about?
Mac: Wanna take a ride?
Flack: Long as it’s not on the subway.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: (holding the iPod) So, this is what was used to hijack the train. He attached an MP3 player to the control panel. The sick bastard.
Stella: Ya, well that sick bastard is Mac's stalker.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jimmie Davis: Mac Taylor. Heard your voice on the phone, I couldn’t believe it. Now you’re standing here. Look like your old man. Been a long time, Mac.
Mac: Since we were kids.
Jimmie Davis: Yeah. Last I heard you were in New York, married, working for the mayor’s office or something.
Mac: I’m a crime-scene investigator.
Jimmie Davis: Phew. Must be something, huh? What’s the statute of limitations for us sneaking into Wrigley? What brings you back, Mac?
Mac: Bobby Toole is dead.
Jimmie Davis: That’s supposed to be funny? He’s been dead for 30 years.
Mac: Yeah. But they found his body today, in the Tribune Building.
Jimmie Davis: We swore we were never gonna talk about this. I haven’t told a soul.
Mac: Somebody put his body in the Tribune Building for me to find, the word coward on the wall. Did you do it, Jimmie?
Jimmie Davis: What? What, are you out of your mind, Mac? Huh? Is this some kind of sick joke to you?
Mac: Over a month ago I got a T-shirt stained with blood. I didn’t know until today, that’s your brother’s shirt. Will’s blood. The same shirt he was wearing when Bobby Toole beat him to death.
Jimmie Davis: You feeling guilty, Mac?
Mac: I don’t regret the choice I made that day.
Jimmie Davis: No, I don’t imagine that you do, because you didn’t lose a brother. Your family didn’t fall apart. You didn’t watch your father cry for the first time in your life, watch him crumble to his knees. You didn’t spend ten years trying to make it up to your mother and your little brother, lying to little Andy about how Will died. Not you.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (comes to, tied to a chair with lasers and guns pointed at him)
Drew Bedford: Mac Taylor. The Mac Taylor. Phew. You know, it’s funny, but you don’t look like a hero.
Mac: Andy. I don’t know what you...
Drew Bedford: Shh, shh, shh. Whatever you do, don’t move. You see that gun? The slightest movement puts a bullet right between your eyes. Of course, freezing is something that comes naturally to you, isn’t it, Mac? Something the public doesn’t know about its hero cop, but my dead brother knows all too well.
Mac: For God’s sakes, Andy, I was just a kid.
Drew Bedford: Yeah, well, you were old enough. All you had to do was pull the trigger. You know, playing with your crack CSI team, it’s been, it’s been fun. I gotta tell you, man, that Stella, she’s just... She’s smart. She never quite trusted me. Can see how she’d be an asset to you. Be a shame to see her die. You see, whoever comes through that door is gonna take a bullet. And I’m sure Stella and company are working on finding out where you are, as we speak.

TV Show: CSI - NY
(seeing the gag store)
Flack: Laughing Larry? You gotta be kidding me. Do you have any idea how much of my childhood was cruelly destroyed by this moron?
Lindsay: Trust me. I feel your pain.
Stella: You two wanna enlighten me here?
Flack: I was into comic books as a kid, right?
Stellla: Yep.
Flack: And this guy had a full-page ad in the back of each and every one of ‘em selling things like Dribble Glasses, Onion Gum, Hypno-Coins, Whoopee cushions.
Lindsay: Plastic vomit, rubber dog-doo.
Stellla: Hmm. Sounds great.
Flack: Oh, yeah. And it all looked great. And I’d do whatever it took. I would scrimp, I would save, I would mow every last lawn in the neighborhood to get my hands on Sneezing Salts or a hundred-piece Battle Fleet. And then, I go to the mailbox, and right there, before my innocent young eyes, would be disappointment in a cardboard box.
Lindsay: I once spent my entire summer allowance on this hovercraft that Laughing Larry said would take me and my friends riding on a carpet of thin air. Hovercrap!
Flack: How about the x-ray specs I bought in middle school to see through a girl's clothes? The only thing I ever saw through those was a nun coming at me with a yardstick.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: (scratching at his arms and shoulders during the post) All right, then, ladies, unless there's something else?
Stella: There is one more thing, Sid. Mucuna pruriens. In India, they're also known as velvet-bean, cow-itch, but here in the United States, we usually call it itching powder. (hands him the evidence bag with a packet as Lindsay starts laughing)
Sid: Oh, no, oh, no...
Stella: It looks like he stuck it in his pocket, and after the blast, it wound up dispersed on his clothes.
Sid: (looking between the two women) Why aren't you...
Stella: A long-sleeved lab coat. Both stylish and functional.
Sid: Exploding cigars, insect ice-cubes, itching powder... what kind of a clown are we after?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Thought I told you to take some time off?
Danny: Oh, yeah, you did. I just don't wanna go home. 'Cause when I go walking down that hallway now, I'm...not gonna hear the kid laughing on the other side of the walls, you know. Crying when he doesn't wanna go to bed. I'm just afraid I'm gonna miss him

TV Show: CSI - NY
(in the ME's office)
Danny: (about Ruben) I saw him. I saw him. He was fine. I saw him. He rode the bike right away from me. I shouldn’t have stopped. I shouldn’t have stopped. Why did I stop!? I should’ve made sure the kid got home safe.
Mac: Ruben was a block and a half from your apartment building. There was a man down bleeding. Justin Scott needed your help. You acted on instinct, Danny.
Danny: Oh, man, I wish I hadn’t. I wish I hadn’t. Oh, I wish I hadn’t! He just got his bicycle blessed this morning.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Lindsay Monroe: [finding out about Ruben, referring to Danny] I'm not very good at this kind of thing. What should I say to him?
Detective Mac Taylor: Just tell him that you're not very good at this kind of thing.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: Stop, Drop and Roll! You son of a bitch!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Rikki Sandoval: He's been up since 5: 30.
Detective Danny Messer: I got in at 5: 30

TV Show: CSI - NY
Bryce Aldicott/Mad Hatter: Look, it’s all kept under the radar. Invites are small. We each get a book with text numbers. Tell us when and where we’re supposed to be. And the party begins. And Foxy, man, makes the game real. Turns Manhattan into Neverland.
Danny Messer: Except nobody dies in Neverland

TV Show: CSI - NY
Bryce Aldicott/Mad Hatter: This party is invitation only.
Danny Messer: (holding up his police badge) I left mine at home.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (looking at his face) Where’d you get that bruise?
Bryce Aldicott/Mad Hatter: (almost laughing) Oh, this. Few nights ago. Mad party. Mad.
Danny: Apparently the party’s, uh, going on 24/7 in your head.
Bryce Aldicott/Mad Hatter: I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir, because I'm not myself, you see.
Mac Taylor: Yeah, well, whoever you are, you have the right to remain silent.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: You tested positive.
Tyler: For what?
Mac Taylor: Murder.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: During the Black Plague, perfumed flowers were stuffed in the pockets of those who perished, to mask the smell of death.
Danny: So that would make this… pocketful of posies, ashes, ashes.
Mac: We all fall down.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: So the killer got Fiona.
Detective Lindsay Monroe: And her little dog too.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: Toy stores and schools are the last places I want to be looking for a killer right now.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Movie and murder. A hell of a double-feature.

TV Show: CSI - NY