CSI - NY Quotes

Mac: Danny's shift started two hours ago. You heard from him?
Lindsay: He got hit with the flu. He took some cold medicine, knocked him out. He just woke up.
Mac: Seems kind of sudden.
Lindsay: He said he felt it coming on a few days ago.
Mac: Tell him to get better. Make sure you don't catch what he's got.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: You know what? You should mind your own business.
Flack: You're my friend, Danny. It makes it my business.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: (at Danny's apartment, to the Super) All right, open it up.
Super: Don’t I need a warrant or something?
Flack: Yeah, but you also need a fire extinguisher on every floor.
Super: Now that you put it that way.(unlocks the door)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: (outside the bail-bonds buidling) Nice place to play hooky. Personally, I would a gone with the batting cages.
Danny: It’s closed for maintenance.
Flack: Ollie Barnes is not worth screwing up your career, Danny.
Danny: I give a crap about that cockroach.
Flack: Oh, yeah? Then why am I here?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Rikki Sandoval: (about Ollie) If he hadn’t robbed that store, Ruben would still be alive.
Danny: I know you think that but if I would a stayed with Ruben, and made sure he got home, he’d be alive. That’s all I had to do, was stay with him.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Angell: Hey. I thought you were off today.
Flack: Yeah, something came up with Danny. It - (looks up, seeing other Detectives nearby) It's a long story. How 'bout I tell you later over an Irish coffee?
Angell: I think I know just the place...

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: [to the suspects] Two crimes, five victims; Emily Miller and Judge Riverton lost their lives, Madison lost her father, and you two lost your future

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: Your divorce was finalized a week ago. The judge who presided over it was just found dead. What would you call that?
Larry Rose: A happy coincidence.
Angell: Is that supposed to be funny?
Larry Rose: Depends. You have a sense of humor?
Angell: Depends. You're funny?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: Houston, we have a problem.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Don Flack: Put it this way: if a dishwasher and a porta-potty ever mixed it up, this thing would be their offspring.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: First vic I've not had to wash in some time - clean as they come!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac Taylor: How do you kill a woman from a prison cell?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: (about their burn victim) Face with no name is simply a face. And your victim’s helmet preserved his quite well, but it hasn’t helped me make an I.D. Yet.
Danny: To think I ever opposed the helmet law.
Sid: Well, not so fast. That skull bucket also contributed to what killed him.
Danny: You mean, it wasn’t the fact that he was on fire with a high speed impact with a fire truck?
Sid: Imagine your victim catches fire. A helmet starts to fill up with toxic fumes. He panics, struggling to get it off, which only increases the rate of smoke inhalation. Result was direct toxicity to the cardiac muscle.
Mac: C.O.D. was smoke inhalation.
Sid: And death was near instantaneous.
Danny: What about the stab wounds?
Sid: Turned out to be minor injuries inflicted with a meat thermometer.
Danny: Whoa. Wha’? A meat thermometer? Who stabs somebody with a meat thermometer?
Sid: Cannibal? It’s anyone’s guess. Severity of charring was significantly greater above his ankles than below...And based on the degree of trauma to the bones, I'd say your human comet's rate of speed was at least 80 mph at the time of impact.
Danny: 80?! What was he doing to be moving that fast?
Sid: Now keep in mind that I'm simply a pathologist, but the injuries to this victim, well frankly, they appear consistent....with him re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. Now until you come up with some evidence that says otherwise, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sandra Polk: Demon and I had an interesting relationship. Rivals from afar, I guess you’d say. I heard what happened to him.
Lindsay: He was wearing a suit just like yours when he died. Do you have any idea where he got it?
Sandra Polk: Word got out he broke a 100 miles per hour. So I sent him a suit, along with some ceramic bearings.
Danny: It’s awfully nice of you to send a gift to someone who just broke your speed record.
Sandra Polk: My record’s official. His wasn’t. But I was curious to see what he could do with some real gear. An even playing field.
Danny: Did you ride Graveyard night before last?
Lindsay: We walked that stretch of road. We found one of your wheels melted. It had accelerant all over it.
Danny: It’s the same juice that sent Demon to hell.
Sandra Polk: All right. I went out there. My sponsors would kill me if they knew I was racing unofficially. But I just wanted to see if I could match Demon’s speed on the same course... I got up to about 96. Then I flamed out.
Danny: Anyone out there to see the sparks fly?
Sandra Polk: No. I didn’t want anyone to know I was there.
Lindsay: Why not?
Danny: ‘Cause you were nervous that you’d lose your title, right? That prize money and endorsements on the line. You didn’t want to get burned by the underdog. So you decided to burn him first and send him a spiked suit.
Sandra Polk: Look, I don’t have a clue who killed Demon. But I can tell you one thing. It wasn’t me. You guys think we’re just a bunch of street-happy skate punks. But this sport is my life. The last thing I’m gonna do is screw it up by taking someone else’s.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mr. Szabo: Come on, do you really think I'm going to kill someone over a city contract?
Flack: Worth close to five million dollars? Yeah, I do.
Mac: So will a jury.
Mr. Szabo: I've been a dedicated city employee for twelve years. You'd think when I try to branch out a little, start my own company, those years would count for something. You know what? It didn't count for squat. City went with low-bid, like they always do...is that fair?
Mac: A woman lost her life inside that bathroom because of your reckless abandon and your greed. You want to talk about fair? Go talk to her family.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: Why'd you run when I badged you?
Mercury: [as if it's obvious] Street racing is illegal.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Jessica Angell: Thanks for the tip. Turn around.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: [about the murder weapon] Meat thermometer? Who stabs somebody with a meat thermometer?
Dr. Sid Hammerback: Cannibal?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (from behind a pillar, shouting to Suspect X) Who are you?
Suspect X: (reloading her gun) Anyone you want me to be, detective. Friend. Lover. Fantasy. Nightmare. Take your pick.
Mac: Based on the amount of blood leaving your body from that hole I put in your chest, I'll go with dead.
Suspect X: That's not on the list.
Mac: This is all just a game, isn't it? Tell me, what goes through your mind when you end a life.
Suspect X: Besides playing God?
Mac: You don't have much time. Give me something.
Suspect X: A confession? Pulling the trigger is like taking a deep breath of fresh air. Seeing that last little speck of life in their eyes, then when it fades, I don't know I believe they're going to a better place. (closes her eyes as she dies)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: Hey Linds! (walking up to her, with a tray of test vials)
Lindsay: Oh, Danny! They're beautiful! Nothing says you're special like centrifuge tubes filled with DNA samples.
Danny: I'm not gonna live this down, am I?
Lindsay: Forgetting my birthday? Probably not. Where did you get these?
Danny: Adam found more blood samples on the knife. There was a piece of shrapnel hidden inside the handle. You run the blood he found on the hilt?
Lindsay: (turning, a little upset) Yup, came back non-human. Send it to serology for protein analysis.
Danny: Lindsay, come on. Guys, we are not wired for remembering dates, okay? We remember sports stats and then steak sides, that sort of thing, all right?
Lindsay: (sighs and turns back around) Steak sides? You are so busted!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Make no mistake. This woman will be armed and very dangerous. She’s a shooter. Killing is nothing more than an instinct. During our last pursuit, I saw her cut down an unarmed civilian without blinkin’ an eye, so she will not think twice about putting a bullet in you. Play it smart.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: (after assessing the vic's cause of death) I’m guessing she was held captive for a long time, tortured and possibly drugged. Any theories?
Mac: This woman murdered people for a living. She was highly skilled. She probably trained to endure torture. Whatever her killer was after, she didn’t give it up easily.
Sid: Or give it up at all.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Angell: (strapping on a kevlar vest, sees Flack staring at her) ...What?
Flack: (gruffly) You look good in a vest.
Angell: (laughs)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Rikki: Last night was just sex. Before my son died, you were just a guy that I smiled at in the hallway and joked with at the mailboxes. What are we doing?
Danny: (cupping her face in his hands): Making each other feel better because Reuben's gone. There's nothing wrong with that. (kisses Rikki).
Rikki: Danny... One day you're gonna wake up and realize that Ruben's death wasn't your fault. Yes he was with you when he was shot but it was an accident. And me, can't you see, I'm just taking advantage of the guilt you feel so that I don't have to be alone.
Danny: I don't care. I don't care cause I just want this hurt to go away. Don't you?
(Rikki nods her head, Danny kisses her again)
Rikki: I really should go...
Danny: Ok, but this is my shirt and I'm gonna need my shirt back, okay. Before you go...
(Danny starts to unbutton the shirt and kisses her again, Rikki gives in)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: I'm gonna get some coffee, you want some coffee?
Lindsay: No, thanks.
Danny: How long are you gonna stay mad at me, Linds?
Lindsay: Oh, is that what this is? Me mad at you?
Danny: Is it still about missing your birthday?... Look, I didn't want to go to lunch yesterday. Why do you have to make a big deal out of it?
Lindsay: (bitingly) Do me a favor, Danny, don't reduce me to some shallow clingy girlfriend that's starting to suffocate you, OK? That's not what this is about! Ever since Ruben Sandoval died, I feel like I've lost my best friend. And don't mistake this for jealousy ok, I know what it's like to lose someone you care about, to see them one day and not see them the next and to know you'll never see them again. I would never expect you not to grieve, but clearly you've just decided to do it all on your own... OK, I get it (stands up to leave). My mistake for thinking that you might need somebody to lean on. And you know, for the record, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself because I've fallen in love with you and I have to figure out how to let that go. (leaves the room almost in tears)

TV Show: CSI - NY
(After Stella leaves)
Danny: (looks at Lindsay) Lindsay. (pauses as she looks at him) I'm sorry. We should... We should talk.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: (about the vic's phone) Her cell's been ringing non-stop.
Mac: She's all dressed up. Someone is calling wondering where she is.
Flack: I dont have the heart to answer it and tell whoever it is the bad news that she's not gonna make it.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam: (holding a magnifying glass to some burnt paper) Is this real? You think someone’s in trouble?
Stella: I don’t know, Adam. You know, I found these in my apartment after the fire. Now, the edges are singed and the paper’s burned, so clearly they were in the apartment before the fire started.
Adam: And you don’t recognize the writing.
Stella: No.
Adam: Maybe it’s from a friend?
Stella: Oh, and this friend wrote me a note that said, Help me?
Adam: Uh, maybe you’re a bad cook.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: So much of this case doesn’t make any sense. How does the fire play into all of this and why does a six-year-old little girl even know how to use a lighter? (Mac is giving her a look) What?
Mac: For the last two days I’ve been trying to figure out how to gingerly tell you to sit this one out. Go deal with the loss of your home, take care of yourself. But I realize now what a total waste of my breath it would have been.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Quinn Shelby: I still have a thing for you. Why didn't you ever call me?
Mac: Quinn, I was married.
Quinn Shelby: It was just a kiss, Mac. I know... a moment of weakness.
Mac: It was a mistake. I loved my wife.
Quinn Shelby: Don't I know it? Every day I worked alongside you, you never let me forget that.
Mac: It wasn't my intention to make things difficult.
Quinn Shelby: You know, I've thought about this moment so many times, about what I would say to you when I finally got the chance. And here I am, and all I keep thinking is... does he ever wonder what if?

TV Show: CSI - NY