CSI - NY Quotes

Mac: (talks with Lindsay about leaving evidence unattended) You were in the lab with Danny. Inspector Shelby...
Lindsay: Oh, but Danny was right there. I mean, I'm sure that he put it away. (realizing she's caught) Oh, that's a bad excuse. Mac, I... I'm sorry. I know it's my responsibility. I know we're talking about evidence that could convict somebody of murder.
Mac: Lindsay, to tell you the truth, I'm more concerned about you.
Lindsay: I'm okay, Mac.
Mac: (sternly) You put up a good front, but whatever is or is not going on between you and Danny, you cannot let it affect your job.
Lindsay: I should never have gotten involved with somebody I work with. It was stupid, really stupid.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: I hear you have an inspector in-house.
Stella: Yeah, I think, at some point, she worked with Mac. They were both up for his job.
Flack: He doesn't mind her looking over his shoulder?
Stella: Actually, it's weird, he seems to be fine with it.
Flack: Is she pretty? This inspector? (she gives him a look as he smiles) I'm just sayin'.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Reed Garrett: [Yelling to mac from a crowd] Hey Mac! Mac!
Detective Stella Bonasera: [to Mac] Looks like you got company, I'll see you inside.
Reed Garrett: [Yelling to Mac] Two woman, same kind of jobs, Is this a serial killer?
Detective Mac Taylor: [Telling the guards] He's okay.[to Reed] Reed, I thought you were working the city desk for the paper.
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] Nope, not anymore. I got my own blog now. New York 24-7 News.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] Don't you wanna get your facts straight before you sensationalize a story?
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] I thought that's what I was doing,you know? Help me out.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] You got two female victims, both floaters, both brutally murdered.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: Homeland Security is talking to all the women passengers again. Let me ask you this, if one of them had sex with our vic, why kill a man over this?
Mac: Some black widow spiders are known for eating the male after they mate.
Flack: Well at least they go out with a smile on their face.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: (walks into Mac's office, holding a clear evidence bag with clothing) I think I'm gonna be sick.
Mac: Is that Natalie's dress?
Lindsay: Yep. She kept it in a plastic bag in the back of her closet. We collected semen samples. There were two donors, just like she said.
Mac: Call the DA, get a warrant for Jessie Carver's DNA.
Lindsay: We don't need to. He's already in the system. One of the donors is a guy named Frank Moore aka Wallace Carver.
Mac: He's not Jessie's father.
Lindsay: (goes over to the computer and searches the database) He's a convicted sex offender. He was released four years ago, never registered. He fell off the map.
Mac: And the other donor is Jessie Carver.
Lindsay: Except, he's not Jessie Carver.
Mac: Hank Bedford. 1999: sexual assault, 2001: sexual assault...
Lindsay: Check out the date of birth.
Mac: March 18, 1976.
Lindsay: He's 32 years old, Mac.
Mac: He was posing as a 17-year-old student to prey on high school girls.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: (about the hydrofluoric acid that killed the teacher) Do you have any idea how often I've wondered what would happen if you swallowed this stuff. And there it is sitting on the shelf, perhaps the most corrosive acid known to man. You just get that urge to take a swig, you know what I'm talking about?
Mac: Absolutely. Like when ever I pick up a scalpel, I wonder if I could perform a live autopsy on myself.
Sid: You do that too, 'cuz I thought I was... (turns to realize Mac is joking) Don't play with me like that.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Hawkes: (formulating on the board) Silicon Dioxide plus four molecules of hydrofluoric acid produces...
Danny: Oh me, me, me, pick me! (takes a marker and writes on the board).
Hawkes: That's cold, man.
Danny: (has written N(e)R(d)! on the board)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Hawkes: (assessing the chemicals from the trashed office) Phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid. He couldn’t have kept the keys in the English room?
Danny: Which one of those you think melted this guy’s face off?
Hawkes: Hydrofluoric acid. Highly lethal. Trace amounts of this on the skin can dissolve and eat it away without you even knowing it.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (about all the calls he’s been getting) Every five minutes it’s someone else. Half the brass wants me working the cabdriver serial.
Flack: But you caught a murder at an elite prep school whose alumni contribute half the mayor’s campaign funds.
Mac: Not to mention Deputy Inspector Gerrard’s daughter is a student there. Until we catch this cabdriver, my phone’s not gonna stop ringing.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Stella Bonasera: [at the same time as Mac] Who discovered the body?
Detective Mac Taylor: [at the same time as Stella] Who discovered the body?
Detective Don Flack: You two've been working together way too long. A student came in looking for her keys and "boom".
Detective Mac Taylor: Boom? You and Danny have been working together way too long.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: [upon see in the indoor plants] Are you serious? This is peyote!
Detective Danny Messer: Marijuana seeds, shrooms.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: Looks like someone was growing their own magic garden.
Detective Danny Messer: Right under the faculty's nose, man.
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: Sometimes too much education may be a dangerous thing.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Lindsay Monroe: [in Mr. Greg's office] Nice office for a guidance counselor. What exactly are we looking for?
Detective Mac Taylor: Reasons for Mr. Greg's to start drinking.
Detective Lindsay Monroe: [reading the degrees on the wall] Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth. This place is a machine for churning out Ivy-League students.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: (observes Danny looking at lipstick samples) Need help picking the right shade?
Danny: Ha, ha, ha, that's just it. Unless the make-up counter at Bloomie's is selling mood lipstick, this partial print we got from the vic's mouth seems to have changed color. It started out pink.
Lindsay: And now it's amber.
Danny: Means the efflorescent crystalline residue we're looking at is atropine trace.
Lindsay: Well, that explains the color shift. So which cheerleader wore it?
Danny: And if she had poison on her lips, why isn't she dead too?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Today I got a call from the widow of Ben Melvoy.
Stella: The attorney from Jersey.
Mac: They had a toddler and a newborn. They were two weeks away from celebrating their tenth anniversary. Then he gets in the wrong cab.
Stella: My God.
Mac: But you know what hit me the hardest? She couldn't have been sweeter; held it together; didn't even cry. All she asked me to do was stop this killer from hurting somebody else. In spite of all the heartache and bloodshed he's causing, all I could really offer her was an apology. Are we gonna get this guy?
Stella: We have to. We have to.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: Hey.
Danny: (in his apartment) Hey, where are you?
Lindsay: I'm taking a rain walk. It's a Montana thing. You wouldn't understand.
Danny: Yeah, maybe I would. Maybe there's a lot of things that...that I understand now. How about that?
Lindsay: Yeah, like what?
Danny: How sorry I am for pushing you away.
Lindsay: Danny, I tried to give you your space, but I don't know how much longer I can feel alone. It's messing with my work. It's breaking my heart.
Danny: I know, no; I know, I do. I swear to God it won't happen again. 'Cause the truth is...truth is I miss you... I miss you more than I can say even if, uh, I don't know how to say it.
Lindsay: Do you have any idea how hard you are to love?
Danny: (smiling) Why don't you come over here and tell me in person? Please.
Lindsay: (stops walking for a moment) I gotta go...

TV Show: CSI - NY
(during the autopsy post)
Lindsay: Any stomach contents?
Sid: Like you wouldn't believe. At least two hotdogs, popcorn, nachos, peanuts, an ice-cream sandwich and almost a full liter of beer.
Danny: I'm surprised he could get out of his seat!
Sid: What's even more surprising is the traces of phentermine I also found in his bloodstream.
Lindsay: Wait, time-out, Scott was taking an appetite suppressant?
Sid: Clearly a failure in this case, but someone still found him lovable! (hands Danny impression/trace cards)
Danny: Lip prints.
Sid: Twelve to be exact. I lifted them from both cheeks, the neck and the forehead. In various shades, from Candy Kitten to Sangria Sunset.
Lindsay: Twelve girls on the cheerleading squad.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: (about the pet ocelot) Big house cat.
Terrence: You could say she puts this club on the map.
Flack: Not really into cats myself.
Terrence: Lemme guess, you're more K-9?
Danny: You're smarter than you look.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: You made up a story implying I was the source.
Reed: Look, what do you want me to say? I am getting 20,000 hits a day. People like to read my blog.
Mac: Which is exactly why you should be more careful what you say.
Reed: We don’t have time for careful, Mac. We have a serial killer to catch.
Mac: No, Reed. I have a serial killer to catch. You just want a headline. But I get it. So out of love and respect for your mother I’ll give you an exclusive. You ready? Watch who you mess with.
Reed: Is that a threat from you or from the killer?
Mac: Both.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Paula Tolomeo: (during her interrogation, rhythmically slapping the table) Eat a salad. Eat a salad. That’s the chant he started. It was two years ago but I can still feel the humiliation like it was yesterday. My boyfriend was at that game. He dumped me the very next day. And because my fat face was on the big screen, complete strangers would come up to me telling me to eat a salad.
Danny: So you chose to get back at Dugan Scott by killing him?
Flack: Crime of passion?
Lindsay: Crime of patience.
Paula Tolomeo: I worked my ass off. Literally. I swore I would do whatever it took, gastric bypass, liposuction, plastic surgery, tryout after tryout after tryout until I finally made the squad. Just so I could watch him eat his poison words in front of everyone.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Reed Garrett: [Talking to Mac on the phone] Hey it's reed, I'm about to put up a new blog post about the Cabbie Killer and i was hoping that maybe you could help me with something.
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] I gave you this number for personal reasons, not professional reasons.
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] Yes i know, but I'm just trying to put together a real profile on this guy, you know? I mean, don't you think that people have the right to know about who they're afraid of?
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] Look, I'm impressed by your determination, Reed, maybe even a little bit proud, but you're a journalist and I'm a detective on this case. You're crossing the line here.
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] Yes but isn't that what lines are for?
Detective Mac Taylor: [to Reed] Not in my business.
Reed Garrett: [to Mac] Come on. Throw me a bone, Mac.
Detective Mac Taylor: [Hanging up the phone] Good-Bye, Reed.
Reed Garrett: [Talking to himself] Well, you won't give 'em a story, then i will.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: Hell of a game, Mess.
Detective Danny Messer: Yeah. Glad you could make it.
Detective Don Flack: Me too. You should piss Lindsay off more often.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: [Danny and Flack are at the basketball game talking about the guy winning $1 million] Never gonna happen!
Detective Danny Messer: Why, you think you could do it?
Detective Don Flack: You're kidding me? Boom, nothing but net, baby!
Detective Danny Messer: Oh, I think he can do it!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Don Flack: No, he can't!
Detective Danny Messer: Wanna make a little wager?
Detective Don Flack: $50 bucks?
Detective Danny Messer: I hate to take a colleague's money but for you, I'll be happy to make the exception! Come on!

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Danny Messer: [finding the victims seats] I'm surprised he didn't kick the bucket from altitude sickness with these seats!
Detective Lindsay Monroe: That or the nachos.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jordan: I'm not trying to give you a hard time here, Stella. Don't make me the villain. I'm on your side. I just wish you were on mine.
Stella: What's that supposed to mean?
Jordan: Why am I the last to know that Reed is practically Mac's son?
Stella: It wasn't my place to share that information.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Stella: How'd it go with Reed?
Mac: How do you think it went?
Stella: I think you pushed. And he got mad and refused to give up his source. And then one of you stormed off.
Mac: Well, if you told me that before, you could've saved me the trip.
Stella: Come on, Mac. He’s 23 years old. It’s his first real job. He just wants to succeed and can’t see beyond that. Is he really any different than you and I were at that age?
Mac: People are dying. I don’t have time for the understanding approach.
Stella: Okay. Well, Reed found out about those carvings. We need to find his source. Don’t let your pride get in the way.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Who’s your source, Reed? Who told you about the carvings on the neck?
Reed: I don’t know his name.
Mac: How do you get in touch with him?
Reed: He contacts me.
Mac: What’s he look like?
Reed: I can’t tell you that.
Mac: You can and you will.
Reed: Look, when I wanted a story, you stayed true to the code of your office and now I’m staying true to mine.
Mac: This is not a game. An innocent man is dead.
Reed: What are you talking about?
Mac: Your blog. You accused a driver named Jimmy of being the Cabbie Killer.
Reed: I didn’t accuse anybody. I reported the information that I was given.
Mac: Without confirming it. Jimmy, the cabdriver was also known as Police Officer James Chameides. He was moonlighting as a cabbie out of Five Brothers Garage.
Reed: No, wait a minute. I thought Chameides was the work of the Cabbie Killer. He was, was, he was dumped from a cab.
Mac: His own cab. After he was brutally beaten and murdered by three men, vigilante justice. Now, where do you think they got the idea that Jimmy was the Cabbie Killer?
Reed: You’re not blaming me for this guy’s death.
Mac: I’m blaming you for putting a target on his back.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Cabbie Killer: The newly dead who have coins to pay for the ride must be taken across the river or they’ll wander the banks for a hundred years.
Reed: (nervous) Okay. Do you want me to, do you want me to write that? Is that what you want me to say?
Cabbie Killer: No! Don’t you see? They think I’m insane. They call me the Cabbie Killer. Use your words. Let them see me deliver the message, to the doomed. Make them understand.
Reed: You gonna kill me?
Cabbie Killer: Only those who have the golden branch can cross the river while still alive and return to this world. Type! Now

TV Show: CSI - NY
Quinn Shelby: Mac, who is Reed to you?
Mac: He's Claire's son, Quinn. She gave him up for adoption before we met. When he came looking for his biological mother, he found me, unaware that she had died.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Detective Mac Taylor: [reading a blog] For weeks I've been investigating the cabbie killer murders with a certain morbid fascination.
Detective Stella Bonasera: This is in real time.
Detective Lindsay Monroe: I'll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic... see if I can track an IP address.

TV Show: CSI - NY