CSI - NY Quotes

Danny [to Hawkes]: You find our smoking gun, Doc?
Hawkes: It's definitely been discharged. Won't know exactly when until I get it back to the lab.
Lindsay: Where did you find it?
Hawkes: Trash can. Over there, right on top.
Lindsay: Meaning whoever dumped it was in a hurry.
Danny: Or they were just plain stupid.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sid: When something presses on an exit wound in a manner that restricts the expansion and tearing of the victim's skin, we call it a shored wound. Shored wounds appear smaller than usual and can be mistaken for an entrance wound.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Sam was there. Maybe he can point us in the right direction.
Flack: I don't think he's ready, Mac. You should've seen him in that room. That line-up took a lot out of him. He was looking directly at Cook, but he wouldn't identify him.
Mac: Then we'll have to find another way.
Sam Harris: I think I can do it. I think I can show you guys what happened.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Hawkes: The stria on the slug that was lodged in Nicky's backpack matches Castro's gun.
Stella: Well, if Castro shot Nicky, then how did Johnny Cook's DNA end up under his fingernails?

TV Show: CSI - NY
Aubrey: (signing some medical charts) I swear, sometimes it takes me half an hour just to get out the door.
Mac: I know that feeling.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Hawkes: Castro was due to strike First Federation.
Stella: We believe that he was casing the branch, he saw Nicky and Sam robbing the bank, so he followed them into the alley and robbed them.
Hawkes: The gun I found on top of the trash can belonged to those boys, Flack.
Flack: But you have zero forensic evidence to prove that. And please, one of you tell me where those kids got a gun.
Stella: You got to let go of your feelings for this kid, Flack. Sam Harris was lying to you.
Flack: Sam Harris does not have it in his DNA to lie like that.
Stella: Unless he had a very good reason.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac [to Sam Harris]: Troy Castro didn't rob that bank, Sam. You and your brother Nicky did.
Sam Harris: Nicky said that if I told anyone, we'd go to jail. (crying) I don't want to go to jail.
Mac: You're not going to jail. I promise. We know what went down, Sam. We just need to hear it in your words.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Nicky gave the bank teller a note asking for exactly $933.
Mrs. Harris: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Nine... $933?. That's our rent. Sam must have heard me on the phone saying I didn't have it.
Sam Harris: I told Nicky we were going to get kicked out of the apartment. He said we had to look after you now, 'cause Dad was gone.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac [to Sam Harris]: The man who took your brother's watch, it was this man, wasn't it? (shows Sam a picture of Johnny Cook)
Sam Harris: Yeah, that's him. He stole it three days ago.
Flack: That's why you created his face for the composite sketch, as opposed to the guy who really shot your brother, Troy Castro?
Sam Harris: I was scared that if I described the man who shot Nicky, you guys would find out we robbed the bank.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: Can you imagine the burden that little guy was carrying around? 12 years old. He's protecting his older brother and his mother.
Stella: Still can't wrap my head around the fact that they thought robbing a bank was their only option.
Flack: Luckily the D.A. and the bank president agreed not to press charges. And money's been pouring in from the public. Should be enough to keep a roof over their head for at least a little while.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: I'm sure this isn't the only cap with Derek Jeter's number on it floating around the city. Doesn't prove anything.
Stella: Well, it proves that Nicky was in the bank with a gun and a note.
Flack: Come on, Stella. Troy Castro robbed that bank and the only reason he hasn't confessed to it is 'cause he's dead.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mrs. Harris: I know Sam's a witness and you need his help, but he just lost his father, and now his brother's here in the hospital, and... he's just a kid. He can't handle all these questions. I think he needs a break right now.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: My gut as a cop? Sam wants to help us, but he's too young and too messed up to remember what happened.
Danny: My gut as a CSI is that the wound was a through and through, so where's the blood spatter? Where are the impact marks? Where's the bullet?

TV Show: CSI - NY
John Cook: You can run your little game on me all day long. All you got is what? Possession of stolen property and some kid who needs to wash his hands a little better.
Mac: You just better hope that little boy doesn't die.
Stella: Cocky bastard.
Flack: Well, he's been in that chair before. He knows the drill.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: (to John Cook) You might be a badass on your neighborhood block, but when you get on the cell block, you'll be just another punk who shot a little kid in the back.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: You want to know what tomorrow's headline is going to be? Woman allegedly kills her husband for not helping with the laundry. Come on we were supposed to leave an hour ago.
Danny: (Talking to Lucy) You see how your mommy talks to me? I'm pretty sure the beach isn't going anywhere, is it?
Danny: (Talking to LIndsay) You think you can get away with that?
Lindsay: Killing you? Absolutely.
Danny: You're that confident with your crime scene clean up skills?
Lindsay: Oh, who said I would clean up anything?
Danny: Oh, of course, you wouldn't leave anything behind right?
Lindsay: No, I would leave everything behind. Including me.
Danny: Oh, so you're going with self defense.
Danny: (Talking to Lucy) She's going with self defense.
Lindsay: You were in here folding laundry, I came in with Lucy to tell you that I was leaving you.
Danny: (Talking to Lucy)(Sarcastically) Leaving me.
Lindsay The love was gone. We stopped having sex when you're inpettence problem and your temper became too much for me to handle. So, I said good bye, I turned, and you grabbed me from behind.. It was awful. I mean he had gotten angry before, but never like that Officer. The rage in his eyes...he started choking me, and I was gasping for air. I grabbed the vase and... hit him over the head with it. (Covers her mouth with her hand)
Danny makes a not bad face to Lucy
Lindsay: I would be out of the Precinct by Noon.
Danny: I'm genuinly frightened. I don't want to go on this vacation
Lindsay starts to laugh and throws a pile of clothes at him
Lindsay: Pack

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jo Danville: (about finding the dead girl upon her arrival at the crime lab) My first thought was, It's a pratical joke. You know? Welcome to the New York Crime Lab.
Mac: We usually sabotage a pair of latex gloves or have a tech pose as a dead body in autopsy, then suddenly pop to life, but murder? Not our style
Jo Danville: Good to know.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Danny: (joining Lindsay on the roof) Thought I'd find you up here. Is this your new spot?
Lindsay: Did I have an old one?
Danny: (hugging her) Yes, you did... right here.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jo Danville: I'm not breaking any rules. I'm trying to create new ones.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam: Mac! You gotta come back to the lab.
Mac: What? Why?
Adam: Because... because I think I just saw a woman get murdered.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Adam: I feel like I've forgotten everything, like I-I can't remember any of the details.
Jo: Well, that's not uncommon, when the brain experiences trauma. Sometimes it locks up. But not to worry, cause I always carry a spare set of keys.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Sass Dumonde (to Adam): Your eyes are kind. Are they telling the truth?
Adam: I, uh... I hope so. Uh... I'm Adam. What's your name?
Sass Dumonde: (in a French accent) Nice to meet you, Adam.
Adam: (imitating her accent) A... Adam?
Sass Dumonde: But if I told you my name, I'm afraid I'd have to kill you...(muffled screaming)
Adam: What the hell? (witnesses Sass being killed)

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jo: Are you absolutely sure, Adam, it was murder? While I was at the FBI, we saw hundreds of fake snuff films and Internet hoaxes every year. Staged suicides, bogus kidnappings... it can be very convincing.
Mac: You're certain what you saw was real?
Adam: (sighs) I saw a man in black walk up behind a beautiful woman and choke the life right out of her. I've never seen anyone get murdered before. Until tonight.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Flack: We don't know who our killer is. We don't know who our victim is.
Jo: And our crime scene could be anywhere in the world.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jo: Well, new memories are usually stored in the hippocampus, and then transferred to the brain's frontal lobes for long-term storage, but when a person's memory experiences traumatic collapse, sometimes you gotta dig from the other side, using memory triggers, potent emotions from the past, to unlock memories in the present.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Mac: Adam, you all right?
Adam: I've been better.
Mac: You want to talk about it?
Adam: What's there to say? He strangled her, she died... end of transmission. I'm gonna wait in the car.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jo [to Adam]: You're being ridiculous.
Adam: What?
Jo: You deal with death every day. This case is no different. Man up.
Adam: Are you kidding me? Jo, I saw this girl alive. She's not just another dead body on the slab to me. Oh, no, did you just do that so I'd spill my guts? Oh, damn it!
Jo: Sorry, Adam. You can't keep your feelings bottled up. Contents may explode under pressure.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: He came in and out like he owned the place. There's no obvious signs of B & E.
Danny: This is an old building. Lucy can pick that lock.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Lindsay: We did find Sass Dumonde's dead body.
Danny: According to the university, she was in your class last semester.
Lindsay: We found her strangled to death with your fancy headphones.
Danny: (whistles) That's pretty harsh. I mean, I failed Calculus, but my teacher didn't kill me.

TV Show: CSI - NY
Jo [to Torrey Powell]: You swallow a lot. I mean a lot a lot. I don't mean to make you feel self-conscious. It's a common OCD anxiety disorder. And I would recommend exercise or some kind of organized sports to keep your mind focused on something else. But since those really aren't an option now, you're kinda screwed. Unless...
Torrey Powell: Unless what?
Jo: Well, the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for your body's reaction to stress and right now, there's no question you're under a great deal of that. So you're gonna need to really figure out how to alleviate that somehow.
Flack: How about by telling us the truth, Torrey?
Jo: It's a matter of your personal safety.
Torrey Powell: What the hell kinda mind games are you playing, lady?

TV Show: CSI - NY