Dan and Edna Quote

[Dan enters the cave, wearing a sombrero. He picks up the telephone and dials. Meanwhile, Edna is showing Grumpy a hen made of carton. Grumpy, as always, is in grumpy mood. Edna practices the use of "this is" and "that is"]
Edna: [points at the hen] This... this is a hen. [Edna moves the hen away from Grumpy]
Edna: [points at the hen] That... that's a hen. Alright?
Grumpy: No!
Edna: [sighs] Where's Dan? [Grumpy snickers. The telephone rings. Edna picks it up and puts it near Grumpy. Grumpy makes rude noise at the telephone. Edna picks the receiver]
Edna: [chuckling] Grumpy, stop it!
Grumpy: What's this?
Edna: It's a telephone.
Grumpy: A telephone?
Edna: Yes. [Edna answers the telephone]
Edna: Hello? [Dan and Edna sing the telephone song]
Dan: Hello Edna!
Edna: Hello Dan! How are you?
Dan: I'm fine. How are you?
Edna: I'm fine. Dan, where are you? What? Oooo! Wait for me, OK? Bye! [Edna replaces the receiver]
Edna: Bye, Grumpy! [Edna leaves]

Movie: Dan and Edna


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