Due South Quote

Ray Vecchio: Yo! Manure man!
Zaleb Carney: Leave me alone.
Ray: Look, I just came to apologize. I shoulda never said you were nuts. You obviously do this for a very good reason, and you probably make a pretty good living at it, too.
Zaleb: [suspiciously] You're not thinking of going into this yourself?
Ray: You mean scooping? I have no immediate plans.
Zaleb: An excellent living.
Ray: Really.
Zaleb: I collect and sell it for fertilizer.
Ray: So you must know your-
Zaleb: Like nobody else.
Ray: So where do you find it all?
Zaleb: Stables, pony rides, but they're not my biggest source...
Ray: Meat packing plants.
Zaleb: The mother load.
Ray: Let me ask you a question. Have you noticed any subtle differences in the product at these various plants?
Zaleb: I'll check my database.
Ray: Great. Here's my card, give me a call. And to show my appreciation, I'm gonna point out that you missed something really nice behind that bucket, there.
Zaleb: Why, thank you!

TV Show: Due South


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