Eat with Me Quotes

Jenny: So... how's your mom?
Elliot: She's fine, I guess.
Jenny: Interesting. So SHE can stay there, but I can't give birth there? I see how it is.

Movie: Eat with Me
Maureen: Oh, for fuck's sake. First you're cleaning your husband's house, now you're cleaning your son's apartment?

Movie: Eat with Me
Emma: But what do I have if I don't believe in anything?
Maureen: AHHH! You just discovered why people drink.

Movie: Eat with Me
Jenny: [seeing Elliot's mom]You know, I always pictured her a little different.
Elliot: Different how?
Jenny: Well, I don't see the horns or the tail; so, she already doesn't match your description.
Elliot: Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit.

Movie: Eat with Me
Emma: [checking Elliot's empty refrigerator]Did you get robbed?
Elliot: Yeah, and they just raided the fridge.

Movie: Eat with Me
Emma: I just think there are certain things we don't need to talk about.
Maureen: Well, then... why are you so obsessed with his sex life?
Emma: I'm just worried about him.
Maureen: What, that he's havin' fun?
Emma: No, that... he's... being safe.
Maureen: Well, now at least you know he is - or WAS until you stole his condoms.

Movie: Eat with Me
Ian: [looking for relationship potential after anonymous sex]Look, we don't have to do all this if you don't want to.
Elliot: What?
Ian: I get it. You're not into it. It's okay.
Elliot: What do you mean?
Ian: Look at you. You're physically moving away from me right now. We should just walk away like nothing happened. I'm not normally that guy, but I can do it.

Movie: Eat with Me