El Camino Christmas Quotes

Larry Michael Roth: Shut these blinds before RoboCop out there fires another warning shot.

Movie: El Camino Christmas
Larry Michael Roth: Hey, nice ride. What is it, a '71? That's the year I found our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the honorable Jack Daniels. Jack's still with me.

Movie: El Camino Christmas
Deputy Billy Calhoun: Sheriff! What are we gonna do?
Sheriff Bob Fuller: We're gonna get a time machine, Billy. And I'm gonna go back in time to when my cousin was dating your mother. And then I'm gonna yank his pecker off, right before he has the chance to create an idiot.

Movie: El Camino Christmas
Larry Michael Roth: Love and turmoil. Best combination known to man.

Movie: El Camino Christmas
Eric Roth: I'm just gonna tell the truth.
Larry Michael Roth: The truth is a tricky son of a bitch.

Movie: El Camino Christmas
Larry Michael Roth: The life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

Movie: El Camino Christmas
Vicente Santos: [on the beach]It's a miracle that I'm still alive. Four gunshot wounds. Thirty-two million dollars. I'm not a mathematician, but that's $8 million per gunshot.

Movie: El Camino Christmas