Entourage Quote

[Ari has failed to get back the I Wanna Be Sedated screenplay from Alan Gray for Vince. Dana Gordon tries to tell him something]
Dana Gordon: I'm gonna tell you something that you swear it's not gonna come back to me.
Ari: As always, hand over heart. You know that.
Dana Gordon: Ari, please.
Ari: I swear.
Dana Gordon: Alan's not gonna make this movie. He bought it just to spite Vince, and he's gonna stick it in a drawer.
Ari: Jesus, he really is crazy.
Dana Gordon: Mm-hmm
Ari: Why are you telling me this?
Dana Gordon: Because I hate working for him and I want out. And Ari, come on, I mean, I love this movie. I grew up on the Ramones, and I love it for Vince, so get me on as a producer.
Ari: How? It's Alan's movie.
Dana Gordon: No. Not yet it isn't. They're still negotiating Bob's perk package, so just make sure Bob doesn't sign those papers.
Ari Gold: Dana, (kisses her forehead), I have NEVER cheated on my wife, not since she became my wife, but if you wanna jerk me right now in the car, i'm game.
Dana Gordon: (smiles) Rain check, Ari.

TV Show: Entourage


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