Everybody Hates Chris Quote

Narrator: It's been a year since my mom sent me to Corleone Junior High for a better education.
White kid: Jerk!
Narrator: Oh, I was gettin' a better education, all right: an education in misery! I was tired of my classes.
Ms. Morello: Inga-binga-binga-bunga. Chris, what tribe are you from?
Chris: I don't know.
Narrator: I still struggled to get sleep.
Chris: Goodnight, momma.
Rochelle: Goodnight, baby. [switches the light off and back on again] Chris! Get your butt up! It's time to go to school!
Chris: Rrrghhh!
Narrator: And worst of all, everybody hated me. The kids hated me. The teachers hated me. Even the lunch ladies hated me. [Chris gets chased by white kids, teachers and lunch ladies] But, the only good thing that happened to me at Corleone was meetin' Greg.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris


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