Extras Quote

Darren: Calm down, [holds up muffin] muffin?
Andy: No.
Darren: Have a lovely bit of muffin.
Andy: I don't want any.
Darren: Do you mind if I have a little bit of muffin?
Andy: No.
Darren: Thank you, [into intercom] Bar?
Shaun: [through intercom] Yo?
Darren: I'm having the muffin.
Shaun: [through intercom] I'll come through.
Andy: Why is this an event?
Darren: It's exciting. [bites into muffin]
[Shaun enters]
Shaun: Alright, Andy?
Andy: Alright, Shaun.
[they shake hands]
Darren: Lovely bit of muffin.
Shaun: [to muffin] Hello, you.
[Shaun bites into the muffin while it's still in Darren's hand]
Andy: Why's he eating like that?
Darren: Yeah, why are you eating it like that?
Shaun: Me hands, been cleaning out the toilets, got no gloves.
Andy: You... you shook my hand when you came in.
Shaun: Well that's politeness innit?
Darren: He's just being polite.

TV Show: Extras


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