Glee Quote

Tina: [wearing sunglasses and looks exhausted] I need to close my locker and it's going to sound like a gunshot. [closes her locker gently]
Mercedes: [starts walking with Tina and also wearing sunglasses and looks exhausted] I've had the worst hangover since Saturday and it's Monday.
Santana: [joins them and also wearing sunglasses and looks exhausted] I've been dry heaving all weekend. When my mother asked what the sound was I told her I was practicing bird calls.
Mike: [joins them and also wearing sunglasses and looks exhausted] You guys, I can't stop barfing.
Tina: Please don't say barf.
Santana: I caught a whiff of hairspray and went full Linda Blair in the girl's bathroom.
Mike: I told my mom I had the flu and she made me a traditional tea made out of panda hair.
Tina: Can we talk about anything else?

TV Show: Glee


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