Golden Exits Quotes

Gwendolyn: [to Sam]You have your sister. I suppose I have mine too.

Movie: Golden Exits
Naomi: How many times am I gonna be able to milk the mother's favors before you stop hanging out with me by virtue of guilt and obligation?
Buddy: Two more, but one of them can be me introducing you to other people.

Movie: Golden Exits
Jess: This girl, he says, *younger than you*, is-is totally alone. She's here for several months and she has no meaningful relationships at all. But see, I look at that as a freeing situation. Young. Travel. You see a version of that as desperate. Alone. Subjectivity. The grass might be greener.
Sam: The grass is dead and covered with salt.

Movie: Golden Exits
Nick: Why does she need an assistant anyway?
Sam: Why do you? [looks at Naomi]
Sam: No offense.
Naomi: No, none taken... until you said no offense.

Movie: Golden Exits
Naomi: You and your jock friends... cutest boys I'd ever seen... in America.
Buddy: Key distinction, in America. You had better ones at home.

Movie: Golden Exits
Gwendolyn: *Fuck* your way through this city like I did. Then, *you* won't have to deal with the shame of living in it forever.

Movie: Golden Exits
Nick: You know, I could fire you. Then...
Naomi: Yep.
Nick: We'd just be people.
Naomi: You could fire me Um... but then, I would lose my *visa* and I would have to go home.
Nick: Oh no, that's not good. We can't have that. So, you are unfired.

Movie: Golden Exits
Naomi: Early 40s.
Buddy: Hell no, that is a sad age to still being capable of moderation.

Movie: Golden Exits
Gwendolyn: Nick, two *beautiful* ladies, enough motivation for you to quit being a wimp and power through?

Movie: Golden Exits
Naomi: Talking about someone as soon as they leave the room kinda makes me feel ill.
Sam: I don't really go for it either.
Nick: This is unheard of. Two ladies refuse to gossip with a man in the prime of his life waiting for the inside scoop?

Movie: Golden Exits
Gwendolyn: Our sisters, they have to make decisions based on two people instead of one. What a... drag that must be.

Movie: Golden Exits