Gray Matters Quotes

Sam: What are you doing?
Gray: I want to die right now. I never want to see another human being as long as I live.
Sam: You're just coming out.
Gray: I am never coming out of this elevator.
Sam: This is probably the biggest revelation of your entire life. It's normal to be going nuts. It's normal.
Gray: I don't feel normal. I'm sick and tired of everyone saying it's normal, it's typical, it's ordinary. I don't feel any of those things.
Sam: Well how do you feel?
Gray: Lonely.
Sam: Why?
Gray: Because I'm never going to be able to walk down the street, holding hands with my partner without the rest of the world giving us a look. And me never have the wedding that I once dreamed of and I may never have children. And one day when I die people will never give as much respect to my grieving lover as if she were my husband.
Sam: Gray, it's not as if you made a choice.
Gray: That's what terrifies me. It's so much easier to be someone else.

Movie: Gray Matters
[Charlie walks into the suite bathroom, stark naked with only a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne covering her]
Charlie Kelsey: Ta-da! I got the champagne... extra bubbly.
Gray: Oh my God! You didn't answer the door looking like that?
Charlie Kelsey: Hmmm. No wonder the delivery guy didn't want a tip.

Movie: Gray Matters