Gundam Seed Quotes

Clotho Buer: What's the deal with you two anyway? Why are you fighting so desperately?
Athrun Zala: I want to ask you the same thing. What do you guys think you're fighting for?
Clotho Buer: Don't ask me, I don't really know. I hate losing; that's my only reason!
Athrun Zala: What?!
Clotho Buer: Not that I'll ever lose!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Shinn Asuka: Why is this happening? Are you trying to start another one? Another war?!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Mu La Flaga: Le Creuset! Is this what you were hoping for, you bastard?!
Rau Le Creuset: You shouldn't blame me! This is mankind's dream, mankind's desire, mankind's destiny! To be the strongest, to go the farthest, to climb the highest!
Mu La Flaga: You're pathetic!
Rau Le Creuset: To compete, to envy, to hate each other, and to devour one another!
Mu La Flaga: I won't let your twisted logic make things worse!
Rau Le Creuset: But you're too late, Mu. You see... I am the product of all of this, that's how I know!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
William Sutherland: Mr. Azrael?
Muruta Azrael: Send out the nuclear attack force!
Natarle Badgiruel: Director Azrael!
Muruta Azrael: Destroy every last one of them! Smash those annoying hourglasses into dust!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Lacus Clyne: Possibly... we humans can exist without fighting. but many of us have chosen to fight. For what reason? To protect something? Protect what? Ourselves? The future? If we kill people to protect ourselves and this future, then what sort of future is it, and what will we have become? There is no future for those who have died. And what of those who did the killing? Is happiness to be found in a future that is grasped with bloodstained hands? Is that the truth?

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Natarle Badgiruel: You're a monster who deserves to die, right here with me.

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Muruta Azrael: Damn it! I can't die like this!
Natarle Badgiruel: Azrael, what now?
Muruta Azrael: I can still win. [his eye twitches] That's right. I always win.
[Azrael targets the Lohengrin on the Archangel]
Natarle Badgiruel: You bastard—!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
[Last words]
Mu La Flaga: [Final words] Didn't I tell you I could make the impossible possible...!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Muruta Azrael: [Seeing that he failed to destroy the Archangel] No, but I . . .
Natarle Badgiruel: Hm, looks like you lose.
Muruta Azrael: How dare you mock me!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Natarle Badgiruel: [Final Words] Now! Murrue Ramius! FIRE!
Murrue Ramius: [At the same time]FIRE!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Lacus Clyne: I demand that ZAFT cease firing GENESIS immediately! We've experienced the pain and sorrow of nuclear attacks, yet we are trying to inflict the same suffering on them now? Will anything be made right if we fire it? Or if more innocent men, women and childrenkeep loosing their lives?! Is that justice!? Don't you realise yet what these attacks on each other are giving birth to?! Do we want more sacrifices?!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Yzak Joule: Give me that weapon!
Dearka Elsma: Yzak!
Yzak Joule: He's not beating me!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: Oh Azrael, what a disappointment you were.

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: This is our destiny! People knew where they were heading when they chose to walk this path!
Kira Yamato: Shut up!
Rau Le Creuset: Justice and faith! Ignorance and escapism! They never learn! They never listen! We have reached the end of that path! There is no way to prevent it now! Mankind vanquished, at last! Just as they deserve!
Kira Yamato: I won't allow it!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Kira Yamato: You don't understand anything else!
Rau Le Creuset: Of course! After all, people can only understand what they've experienced!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Kira Yamato: You're wrong! People aren't like that at all!
Rau Le Creuset: Ha! How are they not like that? What's your proof?

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: This is a world where people's hearts are filled with hatred, where fingers have no other purpose other than to pull triggers!!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: You're something that shouldn't have been allowed to exist, boy!
Kira Yamato: Just shut up!
Rau Le Creuset: If people learned of your existence, they would want to become just as you are! They would want to become like you!
Kira Yamato: That's garbage!
Rau Le Creuset: And that's the reason why... your existence cannot be allowed!
Kira Yamato: I'm not... even if that's true... I'm not defined by my abilities alone!
Rau Le Creuset: And who's going to believe that line? Will they understand that? Of course they won't! Nobody will!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Flay Allster: I'll always protect you... my true feelings will protect you...

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: It's a shame really, I did enjoy your songs. But the real world isn't as kind as the one in pop songs!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: Why torment yourself saying. "Eventually, someday"? How long have you been fighting with your thoughts clouded by that brand of sweet poison?

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Athrun Zala: Stop it! Lay down your weapons! Do it now! Is this really what you people want!? You'll wipe them out completely!
ZAFT Green Coat 1: They're the ones who fired first!
ZAFT Green Coat 2: My brother was stationed at Boaz!
Athrun Zala: Damn!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Patrick Zala: They're right there! Our enemies are still out there! Why would you even suggest we not fire it? We must fire it again, before they have a chance to retaliate! The enemy must be annihilated! Why can't you all understand that?
Subordinate: Your Excellency, our forces are still in the line of fire!
Patrick Zala: All of our soldiers are fighting for one thing: victory! I'm sure they're prepared to pay the cost!
Subordinate: But, sir...!
Ray Yuki: You... bastard...!
[Ray shoots Patrick.]

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: [Laughs] Whatever happens now, I've won! When Jachin self-destructs, GENESIS will fire!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: The Earth will burn! And the cries of the victims will ignite battle anew!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Patrick Zala: [to Athrun, as he is dying] Fire Genesis... we must... make the... world... ours...

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Rau Le Creuset: This will be a day of reckoning for everyone!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Cagalli Yula Athha: Stop running! The hardest battle is to keep living!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Kira Yamato: This world is still worth protecting!

TV Show: Gundam Seed
Kira Yamato: What are we? What'll happen... now that we've come through to this time and space...? This is... our world...

TV Show: Gundam Seed