Hannah Montana Quote

Hannah: Look, you're very sweet, but... I have a boyfriend.
Oliver: A boyfriend? Wait... I don't understand. Then why did you kiss me?
Hannah: I didn't. The dog did.
Oliver: Oh, man. Those are the lips I've been thinking about for the past 24 hours?
Hannah: I'm sorry. I was trying not to hurt your feelings, it's just that... I'm just not interested. Okay?
Oliver: Okay, I get it.
Robby: Now get down off the roof, son. before you dent it. This is a rental.
Oliver: Fine. I won't bother you anymore.
Lola: If it helps, the dog hasn't stopped talking about you.
Oliver: You must think I'm pathetic.
Hannah: No. I think you're sweet. And maybe, if I didn't have a boyfriend, then...
Oliver: I'd have a chance with you?
Hannah: I never said that!
Oliver: But you implied it!

TV Show: Hannah Montana


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