Hardware Quotes

Auggie Ben Doggie: Your father wanted you to have this - when you were old enough.
Fluke Starbucker: Gosh! Wowee! Jeepers! Golly willickers!

Movie: Hardware
Darph Nader: [points to Destruct-O-Vision screen while spouting muffled jibberish]
Princess Anne-Droid: I don't understand what you're saying! I *can't* understand you! Are you talkin' to *me*?

Movie: Hardware
Fluke Starbucker: They're still back there! They're gaining on us! Does this thing do lightspeed?
Ham Salad: You bet your asteroids, kid. Hold on!

Movie: Hardware
Lincoln Wineberg Jr.: Oh we all walk the Wibberly-Wobberly walk.
Lincoln Wineberg Jr.: And we all talk the Wibberly-Wobberly talk.
Lincoln Wineberg Jr.: And all we all wear Wibberly-Wobberly ties.
Lincoln Wineberg Jr.: And we look at all the pretty girls with Wibberly-Wobberly eyes.

Movie: Hardware
[in the middle of a shootout, Princess Anne-Droid opens an escape door]
Princess Anne-Droid: We'll go this way. I insist! [Ham Salad is returning fire with a power drill]
Ham Salad: No way, sister! I can handle thi-! [an enemy shot flies between Ham's legs, hitting the wall behind him. Ham instantly turns and follows the princess.]
Ham Salad: Okay, I'm with you!

Movie: Hardware