Harlem Nights Quotes

Cop at police station: To post bail for that many people would cost... [he smiles, thinking the price will scare Sugar away]
Cop at police station: $75 hundred.
Sugar Ray: $75 hundred?
Cop at police station: [still smiling] yes.
Sugar Ray: [throws him $10,000] gimmie a receipt

Movie: Harlem Nights
Phil Cantone: I'll see you around.
Sugar Ray: I bet you will... ****.

Movie: Harlem Nights
Quick: Yo, Tommy... Tommy? [Sees Tommy dead in his chair]
Quick: Whoa, I'm just gonna leave, and let you think about whoever you pissed off.

Movie: Harlem Nights
Sugar Ray: The candy business is something else
Phil Cantone: I'll say. Must not be a nigger in the street with a healthy tooth in his mouth.

Movie: Harlem Nights
Sugar Ray: Damn, I'm sure gonna miss that place. You know we can't ever go back there again.
Quick: Man, there's other cities. Find someplace else to start all over again.
Sugar Ray: But there's no place like Harlem.
Bennie Wilson: You ain't lying, Sugar. Let me look at it one last time.

Movie: Harlem Nights