Higher Ground Quotes

Peter Scarbrow: How's Juliette doing?
Hannah Barnes: Um... Shelby's in talking to her.
Peter Scarbrow: Shelby. That's like shock therapy, isn't it?

Movie: Higher Ground
[Daisy is chopping wood]
Shelby Merrick: Daisy, with an axe?
Juliette Waybourne: Never know when you can go chop-chop on us.
Katherine Ann 'Kat' Cabot: Better safe than sorry.
Daisy Lipenowski: I'm touched. [Takes a badly aimed swing]
Daisy Lipenowski: Didn't need that toe anyway.
Shelby Merrick: Well, at least you still got eleven toes left.
Daisy Lipenowski: Oh, you're just jealous.

Movie: Higher Ground
Ezra Friedkin: I made a film for Junior High Social Studies. It was called Smoke Gets in My Eyes, celebrated my youth lost to the drug culture.
Daisy Lipenowski: Mine was called The Upside of Death. I thought it was a comedy.
Shelby Merrick: You would.

Movie: Higher Ground
Scott Barringer: I always thought that if anyone ever found out about my step mom, about what happened, I thought if I ever told anyone, I'd never be able to look at them again.
Shelby Merrick: You can look at me, can't you?
Scott Barringer: You're beautiful.

Movie: Higher Ground
Shelby Merrick: We're not girls, man. We're profoundly dysfunctional adolescents.

Movie: Higher Ground
Shelby Merrick: Two words: 'get a grip.' Okay, make that three.

Movie: Higher Ground