Histeria! Quote

Loretta: Ha-haa! We've done it! We've finally broken through!
Lisa: And now it's time to use our nastiest weapons!
Toast: Yeah, dudes! Those weapons are pretty nasty, all right. But they're not as nasty as ours! Bring out the secret weapon!
Lucky Bob: One secret weapon coming up!
[Lucky Bob loads Big Fat Baby into the kids' catapult and Aka launches him. Big Fat Baby lands in the arms of Loretta.]
Lisa: Awwww! Lookit the cute little baby! Koochie koochie koo!
[Big Fat Baby farts suddenly, causing the invaders to become queasy and faint from the smell. The Kid Chorus comes out to look at them.]
Charity Bazaar: I'm still not happy.
Toast: Hey, remember dudes, no matter how you fight your battles, war stinks!

TV Show: Histeria!


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