Home Movies Quote

McGuirk: I got to admit, Brendon, I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought we worked on history.
Brendon: Well, the few answers that you told me were wrong, and most of the other stuff you told me never came up.
McGuirk: All right, what did I tell you again?
Brendon: About the Area 51 stuff and the conspiracy theories.
McGuirk: All that stuff is true, Brendon, all right? That's the stuff they don't want you to know about.
Brendon: Right.
McGuirk: Probably why they failed you, you know. Because you're in on it, now you're complicit, now you know.
Brendon: Right.
McGuirk: Now you're singled out.
Brendon: Sure.
McGuirk: You got to watch your back.
Brendon: Right.

TV Show: Home Movies


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