Kingdom Hospital Quote

[The Operating Room receives personal-injury lawyer and coronary patient Sheldon Fleischer, but nobody wants to handle him.]
Fleischer: It's okay, please. I promise… I promise I won't sue you. I'll sign a waiver. Please.
[The staff consider this for a moment, then…]
Dr. Hook: [rapidly] Awright. Well, you heard him. We got a lawyer here — every second counts. I want that digital minicam running at 24 frames per second trained on this patient's torso at all times.
[Everyone starts scrambling at his rapid-fire commands.]
Dr. Hook: I want a second camera, handheld, covering any medical personnel that touch this patient for any reason. I want a third camera trained on me, the attending physician. I would like all orders typed, not handwritten, proof-read, and printed in triplicate — and notarized. Where's the notary?
[A handheld camera pans over to a man in a business suit covered with an OR gown.]
Notary: Notary public, right here.
Dr. Hook: Danny, is that a genuine and accurate record of all the medications and procedures received by this patient while being transported to this medical facility?
EMT Danny: Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Hook: CLEAR!
[Hook slaps the paperwork down on Fleischer's exposed chest.]
Fleischer: Ooh!
[The notary moves in and clamps his seal onto the paper — against Fleischer's chest.]
Fleischer: Ooh! Ugh.
Dr. Hook: Sign.
[Fleischer scribbles his signature on the forms. Hook turns to the handheld cameras.]
Dr. Hook: [still rapid-fire] My name's Dr. Hook. I attended Columbia University Medical School…
[Cut to a stenographer typing furiously, then back to Hook.]
Dr. Hook: [rapidly] … from 1992 to 1996 and graduated magna cum laude. I was t

TV Show: Kingdom Hospital


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